here is a "hackish" solution: collection1 := #(1 2 3 4 5) asOrderedCollection. collection2 := #($a $b $c $d $e) asOrderedCollection. list1 := ListModel new. list1 items: collection1. list1 dragEnabled: true. list1 dropEnabled: true. list1 acceptDropBlock: [ :transfer :event :source :receiver :index | | c1 c2 l1 l2 | l1 := source model model. c1 := l1 listItems. l2 := transfer source model model. c2 := l2 listItems. transfer passenger do: [ :e | c1 insert: e first before: index. c2 remove: e first ]. l1 items: c1. collection1 removeAll; addAll: c1. l2 items: c2. collection2 removeAll; addAll: c2. ]. list1 openWithSpec. list2 := ListModel new. list2 items: collection2. list2 dragEnabled: true. list2 dropEnabled: true. list2 acceptDropBlock: [ :transfer :event :source :receiver :index | self halt ]. ^ list2 openWithSpec.
The problem here is that by default, the list items are sorted, setting the listItems with a copy. Maybe it would be better to actually do not sort until one sets a real sortingBlock. Ben 2014-04-03 22:55 GMT+02:00 MartinW <>: > Goubier Thierry wrote > > Another approach, that I would use, is to put more complex objects > > inside the lists. Thoses objects would know how to get added / removed > > from their respective collections, and then I would propagate collection > > changes to the ListModel instances. > > That sounded promising. I made a Collectible class. It's instances know how > to add themselves to a collection (i'm not sure if that's a good idea, but > as experiment..) > > The problem is, i never get to these objects in my acceptDropBlock. In > > list1 acceptDropBlock: [ :transfer :event :source :receiver :index | > transfer passenger do: [:element | element addSelfToCollection: > collection1] ]. > > the element is only a ByteString - the name of my Collectible object. :( > > Are there other possibilities if i do not use Spec? > > > > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at > >