Alt-Shift-Left click does indeed initiate the halo under Windows. But...
In my testing, I used AthensDemoMorph new openInWorld When I use the Move element of the halo, I get "MessageNotUnderstood: AthensDemoMorph>>passenger" I'm a novice, but that seems unusual. ________________________________ From: Hernán Morales Durand <> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <> Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2014 12:22 PM Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Stupid Question Bring the halo menu. In Windows: Alt+Shift+Left click over the morph Cheers, Hernán 2014-02-08 14:12 GMT-03:00 Bob Williams <>: I am exploring Morphs and I tried the following code: > >|sm ws| > ws := WideString new: 5. > ws wordAt: 1 put: 16r2264. > ws wordAt: 2 put: 16r22C5. > ws wordAt: 3 put: 16r2211. > ws wordAt: 4 put: 16r2219. > ws wordAt: 5 put: 16r221A. > sm := SimpleSwitchMorph new. > sm label: ws font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Cambria Math' pointSize: 15). > sm openInWorld. > >Now in the upper left corner of the World screen I have a button that shows the math symbols, LTE, dot, Summation, large-dot and SQRT, and will change backcolor from gray to light-red. Exactly what I wanted; however, how do I get rid of the morph? The class documentation is full of examples of this kind so there must be a way to clean up the World as It persists through a quit and save and then open. > >Thanks. >