I don't have time to make an ebook ecommerce site for free for you guys
right now.

How about using gumroad.com where its just a 5% cut for now until you
can find a student and some budget to implement something?

Seems like you'd need to commit to raising your prices beyond 6 euro to
justify any development time on your own custom ebook platform.

On 09/16/2013 09:22 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> On Sep 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2.  Why give lulu 20% to control access to a zero marginal cost download
>>> that you have to do all the promotion for?   At this point are you
>>> contractually obligated or is there some flexibility?  Can that be
>>> switched over right now to just email you when someone orders the PDF
>>> and you manually email them the PDF until you get a system in place to
>>> automatically respond to their orders?
>> I don't think we are obligated to do anything. So, if you want to
>> build a little app that would do that, we would really like it.
> Oh YES!!!
> We would love to have that.
> Stef
>> -- 
>> Damien Cassou
>> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>> losing enthusiasm."
>> Winston Churchill

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