Hi Pierce,

On 28 Jul 2013, at 03:46, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to share that I wrote a blog post on using Unix domain sockets in
> Pharo.
>    http://samadhiweb.com/blog/2013.07.27.unixdomainsockets.html

Cool. We need to integrate this: there is VM support for it and it works with 
minimal additions. 

Since UDP sockets are currently also in the same class, I don't see a need for 
a separate class in the current design.

> The NetNameResolver bits can be made more Smalltalk-ish.

Yes, the code is too cryptic/technical, a helper method or two would solve this.

> Also, I'll be looking into the minor changes needed to support SocketStream 
> as well.

Can you elaborate on that ?

> Maybe this is the wrong list to ask, but how do I contribute this to Pharo?

To add this, I would like some minimal tests as well (to be skipped on windows).


> Cheers.
> -- 
> Pierce Ng
> http://samadhiweb.com/blog/

Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

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