thanks paul for the information.
We should pay attention to this. 
May be we will have to have one release of Pharo focusing on not improving the 
libraries but 
its runtime behavior.
The problem is that we need enough room to move and improve the infrastructure.

> I've been developing in the same Pharo2 image for a couple weeks and its
> now 180MB.  I use the same development habits as in Pharo 1.4 but there
> the image would only be about 40MB.
> Using SpaceTally I can see that I have 40 MB of Arrays. And 10MB of
> Bitmaps. 8MB of Floats, Strings, & OrderedCollections.

Strange. We should check may be some memory leaks.

> My domain objects comprise about 20MB of the image.
> Is there a way to check for memory leaks over a long period of time?
> Thanks
> Paul

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