On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been developing in the same Pharo2 image for a couple weeks and its
> now 180MB.  I use the same development habits as in Pharo 1.4 but there
> the image would only be about 40MB.

I already saw that the current 3.0 download has 110.000 instances of array…
I wondered if that makes sense.

> Using SpaceTally I can see that I have 40 MB of Arrays. And 10MB of
> Bitmaps. 8MB of Floats, Strings, & OrderedCollections.
> My domain objects comprise about 20MB of the image.

Can you run

ImageCleaner cleanUpForRelease

this calls e.g. all the #cleanUp methods of all classes.

(We should think about how to call this (or a subset) more regularly
in normal operation)


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