
I've implemented a small UI using the dynamic features of spec and I'd like
to know if there isn't a better way to do it. My use case is simple: I have
a normal ComposableModel that has two models - a list and
a DynamicComposableModel. The DynamicComposableModel should contain a list
of buttons that should change every time the user selects an element in the
list. I've implemented a demo that can be seen if you download the package
DynamicSpec-Examples from
http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/AndreiChis/Playground/main and execute the
code from the class comment of DSChangingButtons.

My problem is that the widget containing the buttons has to define a spec
layout on the class side. I haven't found a way to tell the spec layout to
add a widget and use a method on the object for constructing the layout.
I've manage to get away by dynamically reconstructing the layout when the
selection changes, however it's not that nice because I had to duplicate
the layout of the main widget both on the class side and the object side.
It would be nice to add a widget to the layout like this: 'aSpec
dynamicAdd: modelGetter withSpec: aSymbol ' that would call aSymbol on the
object and not on the class. This may or may not make sense :)

To be concrete, the method DSToolbarModel>>updateButtons will call the
method dynamicLayout on it's parent which in turn will
call dynamicLayoutWithSpec: on the toolbar. I'd like to avoid this, and
when specifying the layout of the parent widget to call a method on the
instance side of it subwidgets to get their layout.

Now I'll end here this rather long email :)


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