Hi tom

Hello, which version of Pharo are you using?
Because I do not see why you need to load FileSystem or Moose.

On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Thomas Worthington <tho...@technouveau.co.uk> 

> Pick something in the configuration browser's unverified tab at random and
> the chances are that "Install configuration (stable version)" will fail
> with "#stable not defined" - tonight I tried FileSystem, Moose,
> CairoGraphics and Cog and all of them failed - some of them taking quite a
> long time to get to the failure point.
> To some degree this is fair enough from "unverified" but it would be nice
> if the "stable version" did not appear as an option on those which do not
> have one. Regardless, what should I do to get SOME version of, say, Moose
> or CairoGraphics loaded up?
> Thomas

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