Ben, On 16 May 2013, at 20:30, wrote:
> Very cool. btw, does the Zinc HTTPS handle client-certificates? Certificate management in Zodiac TLS/SSL is weak and platform dependent: basically, the primitives are incompletely implemented. This is not an easy subject. > That might be reasonably secure if a private tunnel to the box is not > available. I can't imagine working with a server unless I can ssh into it, hence ssh -L1701:localhost:1701 would be enough to establish the tunnel. But once you are on the host, you can do the curl requests there of course. As for remote access, Basic Authentication over HTTPS seems sufficient to me, though it isn't perfect. We use this in production for remote web service APIs. Here is how you could set it up: (ZnSecureServer on: 1443) certificate: '/home/sven/ssl/key-cert.pem'; delegate: ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate new; authenticator: (ZnBasicAuthenticator username: '' password: 'Sm@lltalk'); start. Alternatively, an Apache or Nginx proxy with client certificates would do the trick as well. Sven > cheers -ben > > Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: >> Hi, >> >> Here is a little tool that might be useful to some you. For others it might >> be a nice example. >> >> So you have your shiny Pharo server application running in the cloud. When >> something goes wrong, most of the time you will just restart, manually or >> automatically. But sometimes you wish you could interact with a running >> headless server image. Problem is, you can't out of the box. >> >> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate is a simple tool that exports a REPL Web Service. >> Much like the emergency evaluator. Primitive but better than nothing. >> Install it on a port of your choice, running in a independent Zn HTTP >> server, bound to localhost only. >> >> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate startInServerOn: 1701. >> >> There is only one API method: POST a plain/text Smalltalk expression to >> evaluate, get the result back. >> >> ZnClient new >> url: 'http://localhost:1701/repl'; >> contents: '42 factorial'; >> post. >> >> Here is an example terminal session (logged in to the server, not remote): >> >> A GET on the service /repl gives some help text >> >> $ curl http://localhost:1701/repl >> # Pharo Smalltalk REPL. POST expressions to evaluate >> # Here is one way (type ctrl-d to end input) >> curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- >> http://localhost:1701/repl >> >> A POST with -d is good for short expressions >> >> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d '42 factorial' >> http://localhost:1701/repl >> 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000 >> >> For longer or multi line expressions you can read input from stdin and end >> with ctrl-d (copy the expression returned by the GET). Or you could send >> text files. >> >> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- >> http://localhost:1701/repl >> { (1 to: 10) sum. (1 to: 10) average } >> {55. (11/2)} >> >> There is error handling as well: >> >> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- >> http://localhost:1701/repl >> 1 plus: 2 >> MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus: >> SmallInteger(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #plus: >> Receiver: 1 >> Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: plus: 2 >> exception: MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus: >> resumeValue: nil >> Receiver's instance variables: 1 >> UndefinedObject>>DoIt >> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged: >> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail: >> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to: >> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [| result |... >> BlockClosure>>on:do: >> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [:out | [| result |... >> String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>new:streamContents: >> >> WARNING: never open this service beyond your local network ! This service >> gives you absolute control over and access to everything in your image. For >> example, the following will kill your image: >> >> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d 'Smalltalk quitPrimitive' >> http://localhost:1701/repl >> >> All this in one class and a handful of methods. >> >> Enjoy, >> >> Sven >> >> PS1: Part of Zinc HTTP Components, in the bleedingEdge version. >> >> PS2: Of course, basic authentication or HTTPS can be added through simple Zn >> configuration. >> >> -- >> Sven Van Caekenberghe >> Proudly supporting Pharo >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >