So what about 'Z' or 'z' and 9? I created the partitions tables FROM (A) to (B) ;FROM (B) to (C) ; .. FROM (Y) to (Z) ;
then what would be the range of ZFROM (Z) to (?) ; same way for 9 On Thursday, May 20, 2021, 07:38:50 PM PDT, Justin Pryzby <> wrote: On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 02:36:14AM +0000, Nagaraj Raj wrote: > Thank you. This is a great help. > But "a" have some records with alpha and numeric. So then you should make one or more partitions FROM ('1')TO('9'). > example : > insert into mytable values('alpha'),('bravo'); > insert into mytable values('1lpha'),('2ravo'); > > > On Thursday, May 20, 2021, 06:23:14 PM PDT, David Rowley ><> wrote: > > On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 12:32, Nagaraj Raj <> wrote: > > I am trying to create partitions on the table based on first letter of the > > column record value using inherit relation & check constraint. > > You'll get much better performance out of native partitioning than you > will with the old inheritance method of doing it. > > > EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE partition_tab.' || c_table || '(check ( name like > >'''|| chk_cond||''')) INHERITS (' ||TG_TABLE_NAME|| ');'; > > This is a bad idea. There's a lock upgrade hazard here that could end > up causing deadlocks on INSERT. You should just create all the tables > you need beforehand. > > I'd recommend you do this using RANGE partitioning. For example: > > create table mytable (a text not null) partition by range (a); > create table mytable_a partition of mytable for values from ('a') to > ('b'); -- note the upper bound of the range is non-inclusive. > create table mytable_b partition of mytable for values from ('b') to ('c'); > insert into mytable values('alpha'),('bravo'); > > explain select * from mytable where a = 'alpha'; > QUERY PLAN > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > Seq Scan on mytable_a mytable (cost=0.00..27.00 rows=7 width=32) > Filter: (a = 'alpha'::text) > (2 rows) > > The mytable_b is not scanned.