So, things get even weirder.   When I execute each individual select
statement I am generating from a psql prompt, they all finish very

If I execute them inside a pl/pgsql block, the second one hangs.

Is there something about execution inside a pl/pgsql block that is
different from the psql command line?

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 3:20 PM Michael Lewis <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 12:12 PM Eric Raskin <> wrote:
>> OK - I see.  And to add insult to injury, I tried creating a temporary
>> table to store the intermediate results.  Then I was going to just do an
>> insert... select... to insert the rows.   That would de-couple the
>> nextval() from the query.
>> Strangely, the first query I tried it on worked great.  But, when I tried
>> to add a second set of data with a similar query to the same temporary
>> table, it slowed right down again.  And, of course, when I remove the
>> insert, it's fine.
> I am not entirely sure I am understanding your process properly, but just
> a note- If you are getting acceptable results creating the temp table, and
> the issue is just that you get very bad plans when using it in some query
> that follows, then it is worth noting that autovacuum does nothing on temp
> tables and for me it is nearly always worth the small cost to perform an
> analyze (at least on key fields) after creating a temp table, or rather
> after inserting/updating/deleting records in a significant way.



Eric H. Raskin
                                         914-765-0500 x120 or *315-338-4461

Professional Advertising Systems Inc.
                               fax: 914-765-0500 or *315-338-4461 (direct)*

3 Morgan Drive #310

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