And, to follow up on your question, the plan shape DOES change when I
add/remove the nextval() on a plain explain.

Without nextval():

With nextval():

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 1:22 PM Eric Raskin <> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.  I see that the did not show you
> the query.  My apologies:
> select unnest(array[273941676,273941677,273941678,273941679,273941680])
> countrow_id,
>        disporder, fmtdate, typecode,
> unnest(array[count_273941676,count_273941677,count_273941678,count_273941679,count_273941680])
> countval
>  from (select coalesce(count(distinct id_273941676),0) count_273941676,
>               coalesce(count(distinct id_273941677),0) count_273941677,
>               coalesce(count(distinct id_273941678),0) count_273941678,
>               coalesce(count(distinct id_273941679),0) count_273941679,
>               coalesce(count(distinct id_273941680),0) count_273941680,
>                          disporder, fmtdate, typecode
>         from (select case when sexcode = 'M' then id else null end
> id_273941676,
>                      case when sexcode = 'F' then id else null end
> id_273941677,
>                      case when sexcode = 'A' then id else null end
> id_273941678,
>                      case when sexcode = 'C' then id else null end
> id_273941679,
>                      case when sexcode not in ('M','F','A','C') then id
> else null end id_273941680,
>                      hotline cnt_hotline
>                from lruser.fortherb_indcounts c
>                where ( (rtype = '2')
>                 and ((sexcode = 'M') or (sexcode = 'F') or (sexcode = 'A')
> or (sexcode = 'C') or (sexcode not in ('M','F','A','C'))
>                )
>             )
>       ) as x
> right outer join count_tempcols t on (x.cnt_hotline between t.mindate and
> t.maxdate) group by disporder, fmtdate, typecode ) as y
> I know it seems overly complicated, but it is auto-generated by our code.
> The conditions and fields are variable based on what the user wants to
> generate.
> This is the topmost select.  The only difference that causes the hang is
> adding nextval('sbowner.idgen') to the start of the select right before the
> first unnest().
> In the real application, this code feeds an insert statement with a
> trigger that accesses the sequence where we store the results of the
> query.  I "simplified" it and discovered that the nextval() was the
> difference that caused the performance hit.
>    Eric
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 1:04 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> Eric Raskin <> writes:
>> > I have a strange situation where a base query completes in about 30
>> seconds
>> > but if I add a nextval() call to the select it never completes.  There
>> are
>> > other processes running that are accessing the same sequence, but I
>> thought
>> > that concurrency was not an issue for sequences (other than skipped
>> > values).
>> Shouldn't be, probably ... but did you check to see if the query is
>> blocked on a lock?  (See pg_stat_activity or pg_locks views.)
>> > The only change that
>> > causes it to be extremely slow or hang (can't tell which) is that I
>> changed
>> > the select from:
>> > select unnest(....
>> > to
>> > select nextval('sbowner.idgen'), unnest(....
>> Without seeing the complete query it's hard to say much.  But if
>> this isn't the topmost select list, maybe what's happening is that
>> the presence of a volatile function in a sub-select is defeating
>> some key plan optimization.  Did you compare plain EXPLAIN (w/out
>> ANALYZE) output for the two cases, to see if the plan shape changes?
>>                         regards, tom lane
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric H. Raskin
>                                          914-765-0500 x120 or *315-338-4461
> (direct)*
> Professional Advertising Systems Inc.
>                                fax: 914-765-0500 or *315-338-4461
> (direct)*
> 3 Morgan Drive #310
> Mt Kisco, NY 10549



Eric H. Raskin
                                         914-765-0500 x120 or *315-338-4461

Professional Advertising Systems Inc.
                               fax: 914-765-0500 or *315-338-4461 (direct)*

3 Morgan Drive #310

Mt Kisco, NY 10549

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