Hi Team, Thanks for your support.
Could someone please suggest on the below query. One of the query which was created on GIS data is taking a long time and even it is not taking the index as well. I have included all the required details for reference. Database Stack: =============== PostgreSQL : 9.5.15 Postgis: 2.2.7 Table Structure: =================== ALTER TABLE SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME ADD COLUMN parental_path text; Created Indexes on column parental_path: ================================= CREATE INDEX cable_pair_parental_path_idx ON SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME USING btree (md5(parental_path) COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX cable_pair_parental_path_idx_fulltext ON SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME USING gist (parental_path COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); Sample data in "parental_path" column: ====================================== 'route--2309421/2951584/3373649/2511322/1915187/2696397/2623291/2420708/2144348/2294454,circuit--88458/88460,sheath--8874' Actual Query: ============= SELECT seq_no + 1 FROM SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME WHERE (parental_path LIKE '%,sheath--' || cable_seq_id || ',%' OR parental_path LIKE 'sheath--' || cable_seq_id || ',%' OR parental_path LIKE '%,sheath--' || cable_seq_id OR parental_path = 'sheath--' || cable_seq_id) ORDER BY seq_no DESC LIMIT 1; Explain Plan: ============= Limit (cost=108111.60..108111.61 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=4597.605..4597.605 rows=0 loops=1) Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1 -> Sort (cost=108111.60..108113.09 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.603..4597.603 rows=0 loops=1) Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no Sort Key: TABLE_NAME.seq_no DESC Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1 -> *Seq Scan on SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME (cost=0.00..108108.63 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.595..4597.595 rows=0 loops=1)* Output: (seq_no + 1), seq_no Filter: ((TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ 'sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path = 'sheath--64690'::text)) Rows Removed by Filter: 1930188 Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1 Please share your suggestion if I have to change or add new objects to the table etc.. Thanks & Regards, PostgAnn.