Hi Team, Thanks for your support.
Could you please suggest on below query. EnvironmentPostgreSQL: 9.5.15 Postgis: 2.2.7 The table contains GIS data which is fiber data(underground routes). We are using the below query inside the proc which is taking a long time to complete. ************************************************************* SELECT seq_no+1 INTO pair_seq_no FROM SCHEMA.TABLE WHERE (Column1 like '%,sheath--'||cable_seq_id ||',%' or Column1 like 'sheath--'||cable_seq_id ||',%' or Column1 like '%,sheath--'||cable_seq_id or Column1='sheath--'||cable_seq_id) order by seq_no desc limit 1 ; **************************************************************** We have created an index on parental_path Column1 still it is taking 4secs to get the results. Could you please suggest a better way to execute the query. Thanks for your support. Regards, PostgAnn.