> On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 11:32:19PM +0000, Jan Wieck wrote:
> > Log Message:
> > -----------
> > Added the Skytools extended transaction ID module to contrib as discussed
> > on CORE previously.
> > 
> > This module offers transaction ID's containing the original XID and the
> > transaction epoch as a bigint value to the user level. It also provides
> > a special txid_snapshot data type that contains an entire transactions
> > visibility snapshot information, which is useful to determine if a
> > particular txid was visible to a transaction or not.
> > 
> > The module has been tested by porting Slony-I from using its original
> > xxid data type.
> > 
> > Jan
> A couple of questions on this. I'm not objecting to the tech stuff itself,
> but on procedure:
> 1) Why was this added without any discussion, or even notification, on
> -hackers before it was done? Last I checked, -core claim not to deal with
> such technicalities, but defer to -hackers (or other lists as needed). I 
> certainly
> trust -core to make the right call no these things, but it's not the
> procedure that we claim to have. 
> If that procedure is changing (I've been getting a sneaky feeling that 
> it's tilting a bit in that direction before this one), that's fine, but it
> should be communicated to the community so everybody knows how it works.
> 2) How can this go in *months* after feature freeze, and even after we
> tagged and bundled beta1? This makes such discission even more important,
> 3) I thought the general agreement was to cut down on contrib, and move
> things either to pgfoundry or to core. Why are we adding more? I'm sure
> there's motivation for this as discussed on -core, but the rest of us would
> like to know that as well... Like why we're not trying to make it a real
> feature, if it's something that's important enough to break the rules as in
> #2 above.
> Or I could've missed the discussion on -hackers that actually took place -
> in that case, just discard this message. but the only one I recall is
> someone asking for pl/proxy to go in.

More question. Who is in charge of updating HISTORY? I see no commit
messages for this.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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