Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
BTW, it strikes me that there is another hole that we need to plug in
this area, and that's the convert() function.  Being able to create
a value of type text that is not in the database encoding is simply
broken.  Perhaps we could make it work on bytea instead (providing
a cast from text to bytea but not vice versa), or maybe we should just
forbid the whole thing if the database encoding isn't SQL_ASCII.

Please don't do that. It will break an usefull use case of convert().

A user has a database encoded in UTF-8. He has English, French,
Chinese  and Japanese data in tables. To sort the tables in the
language order, he will do like this:

SELECT * FROM japanese_table ORDER BY convert(japanese_text using 

Without using convert(), he will get random order of data. This is
because Kanji characters are in random order in UTF-8, while Kanji
characters are reasonably ordered in EUC_JP.


would not this case be at least as well met by an operator supplying the required ordering? The operator of course would not have the danger of supplying values that are invalid in the database encoding. Admittedly, the user might need several operators for the case you describe.

I'm not sure we are going to be able to catch every path by which invalid data can get into the database in one release. I suspect we might need two or three goes at this. (I'm just wondering if the routines that return cstrings are a possible vector).



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