"COPY" instead of "TEMPLATE".  Another thought here is that I'm
inclined to drop the "with map" option and just always copy the
source configuration exactly.  If you don't want the map, the
only other information the source can provide is a parser name,
which you might as well just give directly.

I havn't any objections. "with map" was introduced when another options was existed - locale and default flag.

The other thing that was bugging me was that a lot of the dictionary
types have init options that are named things like DictFile, AffFile,
etc.  As I mentioned before, I dislike the fact that these things are
out in the filesystem rather than inside the database, and hope that
that will change eventually.  So I think that these names are not

DictFile and AffFile are files of ispell ( or derived from it ) dictionaries, we don't manage that files - they require a lot of lingustic knowledge which we don't have and I don't hope that there is such man in pgsql community. So, we just use they.

Managing of stop words are much more simple, so list may be stored in database, not in file.

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