Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Am Montag, 19. Februar 2007 13:12 schrieb Alvaro Herrera:
>> I don't understand -- what problem you got with "NO OPERATION"?  It
>> seemed a sound idea to me.

> It seems nonorthogonal.  What if only some of the tables you mentioned did 
> not 
> exist?  Do you get "SOME OPERATION"?

I'd say you get DROP TABLE as long as at least one table was dropped.

> There are also other cases where commands don't have an effect but we don't 
> explicitly point that out.

The precedent that I'm thinking about is that the command tag for COMMIT
varies depending on what it actually did.

regression=# begin;
regression=# select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero
regression=# commit;

                        regards, tom lane

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