Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> sure that ISP is a bit stupid(especially wrt plpgsql) - but tsearch2
>> in the current version is actually imposing some additional(often
>> non-trivial) complexity for things like database restores and
>> upgrades so I can see an ISP wanting to avoid that altogether.
> I have never used tsearch2 across an upgrade, so what exactly are those 
> problems and why would they be specific to tsearch2?

Tsearch2 changes things occasionally from release to release which make
upgrades impossible with a standard pg_dump/pg_restore. I would have to
double check (because I always work around the problem now) but IIRC
there have been function call changes that are different from one
release to the next.


Joshua D. Drake



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