On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 09:58:21PM +0200, Lukas Smith wrote:
> Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >
> >No we can't, because then we are taking an invalid date, which is
> >potentially valid data (to the user) and modifying it to a valid
> >date that is indeed invalid data.
> >
> >One of the reasons that mysql is just stupid.
> I do agree that its probably not worth allocating core resources to
> this, but spouting outdated FUD is really making you two look
> foolish.

In what way is this outdated?  Please provide a specific example.

> You have to understand that MySQL evolves just like PostgreSQL does.

If it were true, I would have to understand it, but the way MySQL
evolves is not even remotely like the way PostgreSQL does.  Here are a
few concrete differences:

* Community input.  PostgreSQL's code all comes from the community.
  MySQL's all comes from employees of MySQL AB because MySQL AB
  requires that all developers sign over copyrights to MySQL AB.
  Independent developers are not naïf or foolish enough to contribute
  on those terms.

* Standards compliance.  PostgreSQL has bailed on quite a few
  features, and will in the future, in order to comply to SQL

* Marketing departments.  PGDG doesn't have one, and if it did, it
  wouldn't have the power to drive features.

> So you better focus on advertising where PostgreSQL shines instead
> of poking fun at something you apparently do not follow.

You've made some sweeping allegations here and no specifics.

David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 415 235 3778        AIM: dfetter666
                              Skype: davidfetter

Remember to vote!

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