[from 2pc post mortem thread on -patches]
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
Looks suspicious, doesn't it. How long since you last tested on that
*argl* - it's not 2PC ...
the machine had some issues a week ago or so - but it looks like the
problem occured first here:
and in that changeset we have some timezone-patches ...
If people don't monitor the buildfarm then it isn't serving its purpose
of catching these things quickly. To aid that process I am currently
working on a notification enhancement for buildfarm which has long been
requested. Here's the description I sent to the buildfarm list (the
first few lines refer to how buildfarm members would have themselves
notified - non-buildfarm members can ignore):
Basically, it would work thus:
in your config file, put a setting like this:
mail_events => { all=> ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'}],
failures => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' },
The allowed event keys in this hash would be:
all: every build status received
failures: every non-OK build status received
all_changes: every time status changes
green_changes: every time status changes to/from OK
The corresponding values in the hash can be an arrayref of email
addresses, or a single scalar email address.
The notification sent by the server would look something like this:
Subject: PGBuildfarm member <membername> Branch <branchname> Status
[changed to] <status>
The PGBbuildfarm member <membername> had the following event on branch
Status: <status> (or Status Change from <oldstatus> to <newstatus>)
The snapshot timestamp for the build that triggered this notification
is: <YYYY-MM-DD HH::mm::ss>
The specs of this machine are:
OS: <osname> <osversion>
Arch: <architecture>
Comp: <compiler> <compiler-version>
For more information, see
In addition, I am thinking of setting up mailing lists that digest all
these event sets for all members over a 24 hour period, and that
anyone can subscribe to.
The enhancement is almost done, and the whole thing will be complete
this weekend, I hope.
The mailing lists are being set up as digest-only, at least for the all
and failures lists - the state change lists should have much lower
volume, and I will probably make them digest optional.
comments welcome (buildfarm exists to help people on this list - if you
want something speak up).
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match