Ühel kenal päeval (esmaspäev, 7. veebruar 2005, 19:01-0300), kirjutas
Alvaro Herrera:

> > Also, why must it be run outside of transaction block if it can be
> > rollbacked ?
> A vacuum actually uses several transactions, so it wouldn't work as the
> user would expect if run in a transaction.  The first one is committed
> rather early and new ones are opened and closed.  (One per table, IIRC.)

So I guess that making it commit and open new transaction at a regular
interval (like each minute) during vacuuming single table would not
alter its visible behaviour. That would solve my problem of long-running
vacuums on large tables polluting unrelated small but heavily updated
tables with dead tuples.

I'll take a peak at code and try to come up with a naive proposal you
can shoot down ;)

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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