On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 01:55:47PM +0200, Hannu Krosing wrote:

> So I guess that making it commit and open new transaction at a regular
> interval (like each minute) during vacuuming single table would not
> alter its visible behaviour. That would solve my problem of long-running
> vacuums on large tables polluting unrelated small but heavily updated
> tables with dead tuples.

Interesting.  The problem is that a long running VACUUM on a single
table will keep in PGPROC a TransactionId that will last very long,
which will "pollute" every concurrent Snapshot; so smaller tables can't
be cleaned up because the tuples are visible for the transaction running
the vacuum -- except that that transaction cannot possibly want to look
at them.

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"La tristeza es un muro entre dos jardines" (Khalil Gibran)

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