Philip Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Just to confirm; it's only tables and indexes that have tablespaces, and I 
> can issue some kind of SET command. Any idea of the syntax?

> As an aside: should a database be allowed to have a default tablespace?

Well, tables and indexes definitely have tablespaces.  Schemas have
default tablespaces that their child objects inherit, though there is
no storage associated with the schema itself.  Databases have default
tablespaces that (a) their child objects inherit, and (b) the system
catalogs of that database live in.

We already have some TODO items about sorting out exactly how the
defaulting behavior works here.  In particular, what if anything is the
difference between a child object inheriting a default tablespace TS,
and explicitly saying "TABLESPACE TS" in its definition?  If we attempt
to reload this mess with a different default tablespace for the parent
object, what happens to the child in each case?

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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