This thread seems to have died without a conclusion. AFAICS, we have 5 options:

. the apache program - see below
 pro: robust, portable, extremely well tested, no effort to import
 con: possible license issues, limited features
. Peter Eisentraut's program
 pro: portable, better featured, no license issues
 con: code state uncertain, less well tested
. the Afilias script
 pro: well featured, no license issues
 con: not portable (relies on perl), testing status uncertain
. something new
 pro: no license issues, can make as featured as desired, portable
 con: lots of effort, untested
. nothing
 pro: no effort, no license issues :-)
 con: feature is desired

The issues seem to have been thrashed out ad nauseam. Surely we can put *something* in contrib for this? After all, nobody has to use it if they don't want to.



I wrote:

Tom Lane wrote:

Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Did anything ever come from this thread? (Heading: "Plan B for log rotation support: borrow Apache code")

Only an entry on my depressingly long personal to-do list :-(

I did take a look at the Apache rotator program, and found that it was
probably more trouble to adopt than it's worth.  It seemed to depend on
a lot of configuration and library-routine infrastructure that we don't
share.  (No big surprise; I suppose someone trying to pull out a random
bit of our backend code would be at least as unhappy.)  I suspect it
would be less trouble, as well as legalistically cleaner, to write our
own from scratch.

Andrew Sullivan offered Afilias' rotator script awhile back also.
I think that works fine if you like a Perl script.

FWIW, in less than 30 minutes I took the log rotator from apache 1.3.29 (i.e. the latest non-APR version) and imported it into a fresh postgreql tree. With very little massaging it built happily (see below).

If it will advance matters, I can submit this as a patch filling the currently empty contrib/apache_logging directory. You could be right about the legal stuff - worth talking to the apache folks?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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