
- PQExpBuffer on gather_boolean_expression()
- convenience/clarity functions: ignore_slash_option(),
ignore_2_slash_options(), ignore_slash_line()
- remove inaccurate test of variable expansion in a false block
- added kitchen-sink test of parsing slash commands in a false block
- removed spurious file that shouldn't have been in v24
- removed any potential free(NULL) calls *that I introduced*, others remain
from master branch

NOT done:
- grouping all branching commands into one function - can be done in a
later patch for clarity
- combining _ef / _ev or _sf / _sv - can be done in a later patch for

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Corey Huinker <corey.huin...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 4:10 PM, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr>
> wrote:
>> Hello Corey,
>> I wished for the same thing, happy to use one if it is made known to me.
>>> I pulled that pattern from somewhere else in the code, and given that the
>>> max number of args for a command is around 4, I'm not too worried about
>>> scaling.
>> If there are expressions one day like pgbench, the number of arguments
>> becomes arbitrary. Have you looked at PQExpBuffer?
> I will look into it.
>>>> There seems to be pattern repetition for _ev _ef and _sf _sv. Would it
>>>> make sense to create a function instead of keeping the initial
>>>> copy-paste?
>>> Yes, and a few things like that, but I wanted this patch to keep as much
>>> code as-is as possible.
>> If you put the generic function at the same place, one would be more or
>> less kept and the other would be just removed?
>> "git diff --patience -w" gives a rather convenient output for looking at
>> the patch.
> Good to know about that option.
> As for a function for digested ignored slash options, it seems like I can
> disregard the true/false value of the "semicolon" parameter. Is that
> correct?
>> I would suggest to put together all if-related backslash command, so that
>>>> the stack management is all in one function instead of 4.
>>> I recognize the urge to group them together, but would there be any
>>> actual
>>> code sharing between them? Wouldn't I be either re-checking the string
>>> "cmd" again, or otherwise setting an enum that I immediately re-check
>>> inside the all_branching_commands() function?
>> I do not see that as a significant issue, especially compared to the
>> benefit of having the automaton transition management in a single place.
> I'm still struggling to see how this would add any clarity to the code
> beyond what I can achieve by clustering the exec_command_(if/elif/else/endif)
> near one another.

Attachment: 0001.if_endif.v25.patch
Description: Binary data

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