Peter Geoghegan wrote:

> I'm not sure if project policy around backpatching (that commit
> messages and so on should match exactly) has anything to say about the
> case where backpatching follows several weeks after commit to the
> master branch.

There is no value in providing exact message matches when the backpatch
occurs even after one other commit in the master branch.  The principal
reason for the requirement is so that src/tools/git_changelog is able to
merge the commits as a single entry, and that's not going to happen when
you have one or more other commits in the master branch anyway.  I find
it more productive to mention, in the backpatched commit message, what
is the commit ID in the master branch.  That way it can be more easily
be searched for, later on.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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