On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 09:59:01PM +0100, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Anyway I think the tests here are massive

I would not want to see fewer tests.  When I reviewed a previous incarnation
of pgaudit, the tests saved me hours of writing my own.

> and the code is not;

Nah; the patch size category is the same regardless of how you arrange the
tests.  The tests constitute less than half of the overall change.

> perhaps people get the mistaken impression
> that this is a huge amount of code which scares them.  Perhaps you could
> split it up in (1) code and (2) tests, which wouldn't achieve any
> technical benefit but would offer some psychological comfort to
> potential reviewers.  You know it's all psychology in these parts.

That's harmless.  If it makes someone feel better, great.

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