On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> I personally, and I realize that I'm likely alone on that, would really
> like to see references to relevant threads. A year after a commit or
> such it often starts to get hard to know which threads a commit was
> about.  Often it's easy enough if it's about a single feature, but
> bugfixes often originate in threads that have no directly corresponding
> thread. And often the commit happens a while after there's been activity
> in a thread.  I spent days searching what thread "per discussion" in
> commit messages refers to.

+1. Having to look at the archives to find to which discussion a
commit is attached is a pain. Last time this was suggested though
there were concerns regarding the 72-80 character limit per line in a
commit message.

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