On 2015/12/24 4:34, Robert Haas wrote:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 5:50 AM, Rushabh Lathia
<rushabh.lat...@gmail.com> wrote:

I like idea of separate FDW API for the DML Pushdown. Was thinking can't we
can re-use the  IterateForeignScan(ForeignScanState *node) rather then
introducing IterateDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node) new API ?

Yeah, I think we need to ask ourselves what advantage we're getting
out of adding any new core APIs.  Marking the scan as a pushed-down
update or delete has some benefit in terms of making the information
visible via EXPLAIN, but even that's a pretty thin benefit.  The
iterate method seems to just complicate the core code without any
benefit at all.  More generally, there is very, very little code in
this patch that accomplishes anything that could not be done just as
well with the existing methods.  So why are we even doing these core

From the FDWs' point of view, ISTM that what FDWs have to do for IterateDMLPushdown is quite different from what FDWs have to do for IterateForeignScan; eg, IterateDMLPushdown must work in accordance with presence/absence of a RETURNING list. (In addition to that, IterateDMLPushdown has been designed so that it must make the scan tuple available to later RETURNING projection in nodeModifyTable.c.) So, I think that it's better to FDWs to add separate APIs for the DML pushdown, making the FDW code much simpler. So based on that idea, I added the postgres_fdw changes to the patch. Attached is an updated version of the patch, which is still WIP, but I'd be happy if I could get any feedback.

Tom seemed to think that we could centralize some checks in the core
code, say, related to triggers, or to LIMIT.  But there's nothing like
that in this patch, so I'm not really understanding the point.

For the trigger check, I added relation_has_row_level_triggers. I placed that function in postgres_fdw.c in the updated patch, but I think that by placing that function in the core, FDWs can share that function. As for the LIMIT, I'm not sure we can do something about that.

I think the current design allows us to handle a pushed-down update on a join, ie, "UPDATE foo ... FROM bar ..." where both foo and bar are remote, which was Tom's concern, but I'll leave that for another patch. Also, I think the current design could also extend to push down INSERT .. RETURNING .., but I'd like to leave that for future work.

I'll add this to the next CF.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita
*** a/contrib/postgres_fdw/deparse.c
--- b/contrib/postgres_fdw/deparse.c
*** 816,822 **** deparseTargetList(StringInfo buf,
   * If params is not NULL, it receives a list of Params and other-relation Vars
   * used in the clauses; these values must be transmitted to the remote server
!  * as parameter values.
   * If params is NULL, we're generating the query for EXPLAIN purposes,
   * so Params and other-relation Vars should be replaced by dummy values.
--- 816,822 ----
   * If params is not NULL, it receives a list of Params and other-relation Vars
   * used in the clauses; these values must be transmitted to the remote server
!  * as parameter values.  Caller is responsible for initializing it to empty.
   * If params is NULL, we're generating the query for EXPLAIN purposes,
   * so Params and other-relation Vars should be replaced by dummy values.
*** 833,841 **** appendWhereClause(StringInfo buf,
  	int			nestlevel;
  	ListCell   *lc;
- 	if (params)
- 		*params = NIL;			/* initialize result list to empty */
  	/* Set up context struct for recursion */
  	context.root = root;
  	context.foreignrel = baserel;
--- 833,838 ----
*** 971,976 **** deparseUpdateSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
--- 968,1030 ----
+  * deparse remote UPDATE statement
+  *
+  * The statement text is appended to buf, and we also create an integer List
+  * of the columns being retrieved by RETURNING (if any), which is returned
+  * to *retrieved_attrs.
+  */
+ void
+ deparsePushedDownUpdateSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
+ 						   Index rtindex, Relation rel,
+ 						   List	*targetlist,
+ 						   List *targetAttrs,
+ 						   List	*remote_conds,
+ 						   List **params_list,
+ 						   List *returningList,
+ 						   List **retrieved_attrs)
+ {
+ 	RelOptInfo *baserel = root->simple_rel_array[rtindex];
+ 	deparse_expr_cxt context;
+ 	bool		first;
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	if (params_list)
+ 		*params_list = NIL;		/* initialize result list to empty */
+ 	/* Set up context struct for recursion */
+ 	context.root = root;
+ 	context.foreignrel = baserel;
+ 	context.buf = buf;
+ 	context.params_list = params_list;
+ 	appendStringInfoString(buf, "UPDATE ");
+ 	deparseRelation(buf, rel);
+ 	appendStringInfoString(buf, " SET ");
+ 	first = true;
+ 	foreach(lc, targetAttrs)
+ 	{
+ 		int			attnum = lfirst_int(lc);
+ 		TargetEntry *tle = get_tle_by_resno(targetlist, attnum);
+ 		if (!first)
+ 			appendStringInfoString(buf, ", ");
+ 		first = false;
+ 		deparseColumnRef(buf, rtindex, attnum, root);
+ 		appendStringInfoString(buf, " = ");
+ 		deparseExpr((Expr *) tle->expr, &context);
+ 	}
+ 	if (remote_conds)
+ 		appendWhereClause(buf, root, baserel, remote_conds,
+ 						  true, params_list);
+ 	deparseReturningList(buf, root, rtindex, rel, false,
+ 						 returningList, retrieved_attrs);
+ }
+ /*
   * deparse remote DELETE statement
   * The statement text is appended to buf, and we also create an integer List
*** 993,998 **** deparseDeleteSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
--- 1047,1082 ----
+  * deparse remote DELETE statement
+  *
+  * The statement text is appended to buf, and we also create an integer List
+  * of the columns being retrieved by RETURNING (if any), which is returned
+  * to *retrieved_attrs.
+  */
+ void
+ deparsePushedDownDeleteSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
+ 						   Index rtindex, Relation rel,
+ 						   List	*remote_conds,
+ 						   List	**params_list,
+ 						   List *returningList,
+ 						   List **retrieved_attrs)
+ {
+ 	RelOptInfo *baserel = root->simple_rel_array[rtindex];
+ 	if (params_list)
+ 		*params_list = NIL;		/* initialize result list to empty */
+ 	appendStringInfoString(buf, "DELETE FROM ");
+ 	deparseRelation(buf, rel);
+ 	if (remote_conds)
+ 		appendWhereClause(buf, root, baserel, remote_conds,
+ 						  true, params_list);
+ 	deparseReturningList(buf, root, rtindex, rel, false,
+ 						 returningList, retrieved_attrs);
+ }
+ /*
   * Add a RETURNING clause, if needed, to an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.
  static void
*** a/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
--- b/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
*** 1314,1320 **** INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3)
--- 1314,1339 ----
  (3 rows)
  INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3) VALUES (1104,204,'ddd'), (1105,205,'eee');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 300, c3 = c3 || '_update3' WHERE c1 % 10 = 3;              -- can be pushed down
+                                                       QUERY PLAN                                                      
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.ft2
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.ft2
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = (c2 + 300), c3 = (c3 || '_update3'::text) WHERE ((("C 1" % 10) = 3))
+ (3 rows)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 300, c3 = c3 || '_update3' WHERE c1 % 10 = 3;
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING *;  -- can be pushed down
+                                                                             QUERY PLAN                                                                            
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.ft2
+    Output: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.ft2
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = (c2 + 400), c3 = (c3 || '_update7'::text) WHERE ((("C 1" % 10) = 7)) RETURNING "C 1", c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8
+ (4 rows)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING *;
    c1  | c2  |         c3         |              c4              |            c5            | c6 |     c7     | c8  
*** 1424,1430 **** UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
!   FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
                                                                              QUERY PLAN                                                                             
   Update on public.ft2
--- 1443,1449 ----
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
!   FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;                               -- can't be pushed down
                                                                              QUERY PLAN                                                                             
   Update on public.ft2
*** 1445,1460 **** UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
    FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
!   DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
!                                        QUERY PLAN                                       
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Delete on public.ft2
     Output: c1, c4
!    Remote SQL: DELETE FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE ctid = $1 RETURNING "C 1", c4
!    ->  Foreign Scan on public.ft2
!          Output: ctid
!          Remote SQL: SELECT ctid FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE ((("C 1" % 10) = 5)) FOR UPDATE
! (6 rows)
  DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
    c1  |              c4              
--- 1464,1477 ----
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
    FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
!   DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;                               -- can be pushed down
!                                          QUERY PLAN                                         
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Delete on public.ft2
     Output: c1, c4
!    ->  Foreign Delete on public.ft2
!          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE ((("C 1" % 10) = 5)) RETURNING "C 1", c4
! (4 rows)
  DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
    c1  |              c4              
*** 1565,1571 **** DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
  (103 rows)
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
! DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                      
   Delete on public.ft2
--- 1582,1588 ----
  (103 rows)
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
! DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;                -- can't be pushed down
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                      
   Delete on public.ft2
*** 2408,2413 **** SELECT c1,c2,c3,c4 FROM ft2 ORDER BY c1;
--- 2425,2443 ----
   1104 | 204 | ddd                | 
  (819 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c7 = DEFAULT WHERE c1 % 10 = 0 AND date(c4) = '1970-01-01'::date;    -- can't be pushed down
+                                                       QUERY PLAN                                                       
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.ft2
+    Remote SQL: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c7 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1
+    ->  Foreign Scan on public.ft2
+          Output: c1, c2, NULL::integer, c3, c4, c5, c6, 'ft2       '::character(10), c8, ctid
+          Filter: (date(ft2.c4) = '01-01-1970'::date)
+          Remote SQL: SELECT "C 1", c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c8, ctid FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE ((("C 1" % 10) = 0)) FOR UPDATE
+ (6 rows)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c7 = DEFAULT WHERE c1 % 10 = 0 AND date(c4) = '1970-01-01'::date;
  -- Test that trigger on remote table works as expected
*** 2554,2560 **** CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: INSERT INTO "S 1"."T 1"("C 1", c2, c3, c4, c5, c6,
  UPDATE ft1 SET c2 = -c2 WHERE c1 = 1;  -- c2positive
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, -1, 00001_trig_update, 1970-01-02 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-02 00:00:00, 1, 1         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1
  -- Test savepoint/rollback behavior
  select c2, count(*) from ft2 where c2 < 500 group by 1 order by 1;
   c2  | count 
--- 2584,2590 ----
  UPDATE ft1 SET c2 = -c2 WHERE c1 = 1;  -- c2positive
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, -1, 00001_trig_update, 1970-01-02 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-02 00:00:00, 1, 1         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = (- c2) WHERE (("C 1" = 1))
  -- Test savepoint/rollback behavior
  select c2, count(*) from ft2 where c2 < 500 group by 1 order by 1;
   c2  | count 
*** 2713,2719 **** savepoint s3;
  update ft2 set c2 = -2 where c2 = 42 and c1 = 10; -- fail on remote side
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (10, -2, 00010_trig_update_trig_update, 1970-01-11 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-11 00:00:00, 0, 0         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1
  rollback to savepoint s3;
  select c2, count(*) from ft2 where c2 < 500 group by 1 order by 1;
   c2  | count 
--- 2743,2749 ----
  update ft2 set c2 = -2 where c2 = 42 and c1 = 10; -- fail on remote side
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (10, -2, 00010_trig_update_trig_update, 1970-01-11 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-11 00:00:00, 0, 0         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = (-2) WHERE ((c2 = 42)) AND (("C 1" = 10))
  rollback to savepoint s3;
  select c2, count(*) from ft2 where c2 < 500 group by 1 order by 1;
   c2  | count 
*** 2853,2859 **** CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: INSERT INTO "S 1"."T 1"("C 1", c2, c3, c4, c5, c6,
  UPDATE ft1 SET c2 = -c2 WHERE c1 = 1;  -- c2positive
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, -1, 00001_trig_update, 1970-01-02 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-02 00:00:00, 1, 1         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1
  -- But inconsistent check constraints provide inconsistent results
  ALTER FOREIGN TABLE ft1 ADD CONSTRAINT ft1_c2negative CHECK (c2 < 0);
--- 2883,2889 ----
  UPDATE ft1 SET c2 = -c2 WHERE c1 = 1;  -- c2positive
  ERROR:  new row for relation "T 1" violates check constraint "c2positive"
  DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, -1, 00001_trig_update, 1970-01-02 08:00:00+00, 1970-01-02 00:00:00, 1, 1         , foo).
! CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE "S 1"."T 1" SET c2 = (- c2) WHERE (("C 1" = 1))
  -- But inconsistent check constraints provide inconsistent results
  ALTER FOREIGN TABLE ft1 ADD CONSTRAINT ft1_c2negative CHECK (c2 < 0);
*** 3246,3251 **** NOTICE:  NEW: (13,"test triggered !")
--- 3276,3474 ----
  (1 row)
+ -- cleanup
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before ON rem1;
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after ON rem1;
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_local_before ON loc1;
+ -- Test update-pushdown functionality
+ -- Test with statement-level triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_stmt_before
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_stmt_before ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_stmt_after
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_stmt_after ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON INSERT triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_insert
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_insert ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_insert
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_insert ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON UPDATE triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_update
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can't be pushed down
+                              QUERY PLAN                              
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1
+    ->  Foreign Scan on public.rem1
+          Output: f1, ''::text, ctid, rem1.*
+          Remote SQL: SELECT f1, f2, ctid FROM public.loc1 FOR UPDATE
+ (5 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_update ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_update
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can't be pushed down
+                                   QUERY PLAN                                   
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = $2 WHERE ctid = $1 RETURNING f1, f2
+    ->  Foreign Scan on public.rem1
+          Output: f1, ''::text, ctid, rem1.*
+          Remote SQL: SELECT f1, f2, ctid FROM public.loc1 FOR UPDATE
+ (5 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+                  QUERY PLAN                  
+ ---------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Delete on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1
+ (3 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_update ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON DELETE triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_delete
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can't be pushed down
+                              QUERY PLAN                              
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1 WHERE ctid = $1
+    ->  Foreign Scan on public.rem1
+          Output: ctid, rem1.*
+          Remote SQL: SELECT f1, f2, ctid FROM public.loc1 FOR UPDATE
+ (5 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_delete ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_delete
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+                         QUERY PLAN                        
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+  Update on public.rem1
+    ->  Foreign Update on public.rem1
+          Remote SQL: UPDATE public.loc1 SET f2 = ''::text
+ (3 rows)
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can't be pushed down
+                                QUERY PLAN                               
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Delete on public.rem1
+    Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.loc1 WHERE ctid = $1 RETURNING f1, f2
+    ->  Foreign Scan on public.rem1
+          Output: ctid, rem1.*
+          Remote SQL: SELECT f1, f2, ctid FROM public.loc1 FOR UPDATE
+ (5 rows)
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_delete ON rem1;
  -- ===================================================================
  -- test inheritance features
  -- ===================================================================
*** a/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c
--- b/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c
*** 57,63 **** PG_MODULE_MAGIC;
   * planner to executor.  Currently we store:
   * 1) SELECT statement text to be sent to the remote server
!  * 2) Integer list of attribute numbers retrieved by the SELECT
   * These items are indexed with the enum FdwScanPrivateIndex, so an item
   * can be fetched with list_nth().  For example, to get the SELECT statement:
--- 57,64 ----
   * planner to executor.  Currently we store:
   * 1) SELECT statement text to be sent to the remote server
!  * 2) List of restriction clauses that can be executed remotely
!  * 3) Integer list of attribute numbers retrieved by the SELECT
   * These items are indexed with the enum FdwScanPrivateIndex, so an item
   * can be fetched with list_nth().  For example, to get the SELECT statement:
*** 67,72 **** enum FdwScanPrivateIndex
--- 68,75 ----
  	/* SQL statement to execute remotely (as a String node) */
+ 	/* List of restriction clauses that can be executed remotely */
+ 	FdwScanPrivateRemoteConds,
  	/* Integer list of attribute numbers retrieved by the SELECT */
*** 94,99 **** enum FdwModifyPrivateIndex
--- 97,124 ----
+  * Similarly, this enum describes what's kept in the fdw_private list for
+  * a ForeignScan node referencing a postgres_fdw foreign table when a DML
+  * query is pushed down to the remote server.  We store:
+  *
+  * 1) UPDATE/DELETE statement text to be sent to the remote server
+  * 2) Boolean flag showing if the remote query has a RETURNING clause
+  * 3) Integer list of attribute numbers retrieved by RETURNING, if any
+  * 4) Boolean flag showing if we set the command es_processed
+  */
+ enum FdwDmlPushdownPrivateIndex
+ {
+ 	/* SQL statement to execute remotely (as a String node) */
+ 	FdwDmlPushdownPrivateUpdateSql,
+ 	/* has-returning flag (as an integer Value node) */
+ 	FdwDmlPushdownPrivateHasReturning,
+ 	/* Integer list of attribute numbers retrieved by RETURNING */
+ 	FdwDmlPushdownPrivateRetrievedAttrs,
+ 	/* set-processed flag (as an integer Value node) */
+ 	FdwDmlPushdownPrivateSetProcessed
+ };
+ /*
   * Execution state of a foreign scan using postgres_fdw.
  typedef struct PgFdwScanState
*** 156,161 **** typedef struct PgFdwModifyState
--- 181,217 ----
  } PgFdwModifyState;
+  * Execution state of a foreign scan using postgres_fdw.
+  */
+ typedef struct PgFdwDmlPushdownState
+ {
+ 	Relation	rel;			/* relcache entry for the foreign table */
+ 	AttInMetadata *attinmeta;	/* attribute datatype conversion metadata */
+ 	/* extracted fdw_private data */
+ 	char	   *query;			/* text of UPDATE/DELETE command */
+ 	List	   *retrieved_attrs;	/* list of retrieved attribute numbers */
+ 	bool		has_returning;	/* is there a RETURNING clause? */
+ 	bool		set_processed;	/* do we set the command es_processed? */
+ 	/* for remote query execution */
+ 	PGconn	   *conn;			/* connection for the scan */
+ 	int			numParams;		/* number of parameters passed to query */
+ 	FmgrInfo   *param_flinfo;	/* output conversion functions for them */
+ 	List	   *param_exprs;	/* executable expressions for param values */
+ 	const char **param_values;	/* textual values of query parameters */
+ 	/* for storing result tuples */
+ 	PGresult   *result;			/* result for query */
+ 	int			num_tuples;		/* # of tuples in array */
+ 	int			next_tuple;		/* index of next one to return */
+ 	/* working memory contexts */
+ 	MemoryContext batch_cxt;	/* context holding current batch of tuples */
+ 	MemoryContext temp_cxt;		/* context for per-tuple temporary data */
+ } PgFdwDmlPushdownState;
+ /*
   * Workspace for analyzing a foreign table.
  typedef struct PgFdwAnalyzeState
*** 246,251 **** static TupleTableSlot *postgresExecForeignDelete(EState *estate,
--- 302,314 ----
  						  TupleTableSlot *planSlot);
  static void postgresEndForeignModify(EState *estate,
  						 ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
+ static bool postgresPlanDMLPushdown(PlannerInfo *root,
+ 									ModifyTable *plan,
+ 									Index resultRelation,
+ 									int subplan_index);
+ static void postgresBeginDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node, int eflags);
+ static TupleTableSlot *postgresIterateDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node);
+ static void postgresEndDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node);
  static int	postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable(Relation rel);
  static void postgresExplainForeignScan(ForeignScanState *node,
  						   ExplainState *es);
*** 254,259 **** static void postgresExplainForeignModify(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
--- 317,324 ----
  							 List *fdw_private,
  							 int subplan_index,
  							 ExplainState *es);
+ static void postgresExplainDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node,
+ 						   ExplainState *es);
  static bool postgresAnalyzeForeignTable(Relation relation,
  							AcquireSampleRowsFunc *func,
  							BlockNumber *totalpages);
*** 288,295 **** static void prepare_foreign_modify(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate);
  static const char **convert_prep_stmt_params(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
  						 ItemPointer tupleid,
  						 TupleTableSlot *slot);
! static void store_returning_result(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
! 					   TupleTableSlot *slot, PGresult *res);
  static int postgresAcquireSampleRowsFunc(Relation relation, int elevel,
  							  HeapTuple *rows, int targrows,
  							  double *totalrows,
--- 353,374 ----
  static const char **convert_prep_stmt_params(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
  						 ItemPointer tupleid,
  						 TupleTableSlot *slot);
! static void store_returning_result(TupleTableSlot *slot,
! 					   PGresult *res,
! 					   int row,
! 					   Relation rel,
! 					   AttInMetadata *attinmeta,
! 					   List *retrieved_attrs,
! 					   MemoryContext temp_context);
! static bool dml_is_pushdown_safe(PlannerInfo *root,
! 								 ModifyTable *plan,
! 								 Index resultRelation,
! 								 int subplan_index,
! 								 Relation rel,
! 								 List *targetAttrs);
! static void execute_dml_stmt(ForeignScanState *node);
! static bool relation_has_row_level_triggers(Relation rel, CmdType operation);
! static TupleTableSlot *get_returning_result(ForeignScanState *node);
  static int postgresAcquireSampleRowsFunc(Relation relation, int elevel,
  							  HeapTuple *rows, int targrows,
  							  double *totalrows,
*** 331,341 **** postgres_fdw_handler(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
--- 410,425 ----
  	routine->ExecForeignUpdate = postgresExecForeignUpdate;
  	routine->ExecForeignDelete = postgresExecForeignDelete;
  	routine->EndForeignModify = postgresEndForeignModify;
+ 	routine->PlanDMLPushdown = postgresPlanDMLPushdown;
+ 	routine->BeginDMLPushdown = postgresBeginDMLPushdown;
+ 	routine->IterateDMLPushdown = postgresIterateDMLPushdown;
+ 	routine->EndDMLPushdown = postgresEndDMLPushdown;
  	routine->IsForeignRelUpdatable = postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable;
  	/* Support functions for EXPLAIN */
  	routine->ExplainForeignScan = postgresExplainForeignScan;
  	routine->ExplainForeignModify = postgresExplainForeignModify;
+ 	routine->ExplainDMLPushdown = postgresExplainDMLPushdown;
  	/* Support functions for ANALYZE */
  	routine->AnalyzeForeignTable = postgresAnalyzeForeignTable;
*** 1067,1073 **** postgresGetForeignPlan(PlannerInfo *root,
  	 * Build the fdw_private list that will be available to the executor.
  	 * Items in the list must match enum FdwScanPrivateIndex, above.
! 	fdw_private = list_make2(makeString(sql.data),
--- 1151,1158 ----
  	 * Build the fdw_private list that will be available to the executor.
  	 * Items in the list must match enum FdwScanPrivateIndex, above.
! 	fdw_private = list_make3(makeString(sql.data),
! 							 remote_conds,
*** 1363,1375 **** postgresAddForeignUpdateTargets(Query *parsetree,
   * postgresPlanForeignModify
   *		Plan an insert/update/delete operation on a foreign table
-  *
-  * Note: currently, the plan tree generated for UPDATE/DELETE will always
-  * include a ForeignScan that retrieves ctids (using SELECT FOR UPDATE)
-  * and then the ModifyTable node will have to execute individual remote
-  * UPDATE/DELETE commands.  If there are no local conditions or joins
-  * needed, it'd be better to let the scan node do UPDATE/DELETE RETURNING
-  * and then do nothing at ModifyTable.  Room for future optimization ...
  static List *
  postgresPlanForeignModify(PlannerInfo *root,
--- 1448,1453 ----
*** 1644,1650 **** postgresExecForeignInsert(EState *estate,
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(fmstate, slot, res);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
--- 1722,1732 ----
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(slot, res, 0,
! 								   fmstate->rel,
! 								   fmstate->attinmeta,
! 								   fmstate->retrieved_attrs,
! 								   fmstate->temp_cxt);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
*** 1714,1720 **** postgresExecForeignUpdate(EState *estate,
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(fmstate, slot, res);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
--- 1796,1806 ----
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(slot, res, 0,
! 								   fmstate->rel,
! 								   fmstate->attinmeta,
! 								   fmstate->retrieved_attrs,
! 								   fmstate->temp_cxt);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
*** 1784,1790 **** postgresExecForeignDelete(EState *estate,
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(fmstate, slot, res);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
--- 1870,1880 ----
  		n_rows = PQntuples(res);
  		if (n_rows > 0)
! 			store_returning_result(slot, res, 0,
! 								   fmstate->rel,
! 								   fmstate->attinmeta,
! 								   fmstate->retrieved_attrs,
! 								   fmstate->temp_cxt);
  		n_rows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res));
*** 1837,1842 **** postgresEndForeignModify(EState *estate,
--- 1927,2242 ----
+  * postgresPlanDMLPushdown
+  *		Plan to push down an update/delete operation on a foreign table
+  */
+ static bool
+ postgresPlanDMLPushdown(PlannerInfo *root,
+ 						ModifyTable *plan,
+ 						Index resultRelation,
+ 						int subplan_index)
+ {
+ 	CmdType		operation = plan->operation;
+ 	RangeTblEntry *rte = planner_rt_fetch(resultRelation, root);
+ 	Relation	rel;
+ 	StringInfoData sql;
+ 	List	   *targetAttrs = NIL;
+ 	List	   *params_list = NIL;
+ 	List	   *returningList = NIL;
+ 	List	   *retrieved_attrs = NIL;
+ 	List	   *remote_conds;
+ 	ForeignScan *fscan;
+ 	if (operation == CMD_INSERT)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Core code already has some lock on each rel being planned, so we can
+ 	 * use NoLock here.
+ 	 */
+ 	rel = heap_open(rte->relid, NoLock);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * In an UPDATE, we transmit only columns that were explicitly targets
+ 	 * of the UPDATE, so as to avoid unnecessary data transmission.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (operation == CMD_UPDATE)
+ 	{
+ 		int			col;
+ 		col = -1;
+ 		while ((col = bms_next_member(rte->updatedCols, col)) >= 0)
+ 		{
+ 			/* bit numbers are offset by FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber */
+ 			AttrNumber	attno = col + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber;
+ 			if (attno <= InvalidAttrNumber)		/* shouldn't happen */
+ 				elog(ERROR, "system-column update is not supported");
+ 			targetAttrs = lappend_int(targetAttrs, attno);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Ok, check to see whether it's safe to push the command down.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (!dml_is_pushdown_safe(root, plan,
+ 							  resultRelation,
+ 							  subplan_index,
+ 							  rel, targetAttrs))
+ 	{
+ 		heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Ok, modify subplan so as to execute the pushed-down command.
+ 	 */
+ 	fscan = (ForeignScan *) list_nth(plan->plans, subplan_index);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Extract the baserestrictinfo clauses that can be evaluated remotely.
+ 	 */
+ 	remote_conds = (List *) list_nth(fscan->fdw_private,
+ 									 FdwScanPrivateRemoteConds);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Extract the relevant RETURNING list if any.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (plan->returningLists)
+ 		returningList = (List *) list_nth(plan->returningLists, subplan_index);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Construct the SQL command string.
+ 	 */
+ 	initStringInfo(&sql);
+ 	switch (operation)
+ 	{
+ 		case CMD_UPDATE:
+ 			deparsePushedDownUpdateSql(&sql, root, resultRelation, rel,
+ 									   ((Plan *) fscan)->targetlist,
+ 									   targetAttrs,
+ 									   remote_conds, &params_list,
+ 									   returningList, &retrieved_attrs);
+ 			break;
+ 		case CMD_DELETE:
+ 			deparsePushedDownDeleteSql(&sql, root, resultRelation, rel,
+ 									   remote_conds, &params_list,
+ 									   returningList, &retrieved_attrs);
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			elog(ERROR, "unexpected operation: %d", (int) operation);
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Update the operation info.
+ 	 */
+ 	fscan->operation = operation;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Update the fdw_exprs list that will be available to the executor.
+ 	 */
+ 	fscan->fdw_exprs = params_list;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Update the fdw_private list that will be available to the executor.
+ 	 * Items in the list must match enum FdwDmlPushdownPrivateIndex, above.
+ 	 */
+ 	fscan->fdw_private = list_make4(makeString(sql.data),
+ 									makeInteger((retrieved_attrs != NIL)),
+ 									retrieved_attrs,
+ 									makeInteger(plan->canSetTag));
+ 	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+ 	return true;
+ }
+ /*
+  * postgresBeginDMLPushdown
+  *		Initiate a pushed-down update/delete operation on a foreign table
+  */
+ static void
+ postgresBeginDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node, int eflags)
+ {
+ 	ForeignScan *fsplan = (ForeignScan *) node->ss.ps.plan;
+ 	EState	   *estate = node->ss.ps.state;
+ 	PgFdwDmlPushdownState *dpstate;
+ 	RangeTblEntry *rte;
+ 	Oid			userid;
+ 	ForeignTable *table;
+ 	ForeignServer *server;
+ 	UserMapping *user;
+ 	int			numParams;
+ 	int			i;
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Do nothing in EXPLAIN (no ANALYZE) case.  node->fdw_state stays NULL.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY)
+ 		return;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * We'll save private state in node->fdw_state.
+ 	 */
+ 	dpstate = (PgFdwDmlPushdownState *) palloc0(sizeof(PgFdwDmlPushdownState));
+ 	node->fdw_state = (void *) dpstate;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Identify which user to do the remote access as.  This should match what
+ 	 * ExecCheckRTEPerms() does.
+ 	 */
+ 	rte = rt_fetch(fsplan->scan.scanrelid, estate->es_range_table);
+ 	userid = rte->checkAsUser ? rte->checkAsUser : GetUserId();
+ 	/* Get info about foreign table. */
+ 	dpstate->rel = node->ss.ss_currentRelation;
+ 	table = GetForeignTable(RelationGetRelid(dpstate->rel));
+ 	server = GetForeignServer(table->serverid);
+ 	user = GetUserMapping(userid, server->serverid);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Get connection to the foreign server.  Connection manager will
+ 	 * establish new connection if necessary.
+ 	 */
+ 	dpstate->conn = GetConnection(server, user, false);
+ 	/* Initialize state variable */
+ 	dpstate->num_tuples = -1;		/* -1 means not set yet */
+ 	/* Get private info created by planner functions. */
+ 	dpstate->query = strVal(list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private,
+ 									 FdwDmlPushdownPrivateUpdateSql));
+ 	dpstate->has_returning = intVal(list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private,
+ 										 FdwDmlPushdownPrivateHasReturning));
+ 	dpstate->retrieved_attrs = (List *) list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private,
+ 										FdwDmlPushdownPrivateRetrievedAttrs);
+ 	dpstate->set_processed = intVal(list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private,
+ 										 FdwDmlPushdownPrivateSetProcessed));
+ 	/* Create contexts for batches of tuples and per-tuple temp workspace. */
+ 	dpstate->batch_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(estate->es_query_cxt,
+ 											   "postgres_fdw tuple data",
+ 	dpstate->temp_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(estate->es_query_cxt,
+ 											  "postgres_fdw temporary data",
+ 	/* Prepare for input conversion of RETURNING results. */
+ 	if (dpstate->has_returning)
+ 		dpstate->attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(RelationGetDescr(dpstate->rel));
+ 	/* Prepare for output conversion of parameters used in remote query. */
+ 	numParams = list_length(fsplan->fdw_exprs);
+ 	dpstate->numParams = numParams;
+ 	dpstate->param_flinfo = (FmgrInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(FmgrInfo) * numParams);
+ 	i = 0;
+ 	foreach(lc, fsplan->fdw_exprs)
+ 	{
+ 		Node	   *param_expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
+ 		Oid			typefnoid;
+ 		bool		isvarlena;
+ 		getTypeOutputInfo(exprType(param_expr), &typefnoid, &isvarlena);
+ 		fmgr_info(typefnoid, &dpstate->param_flinfo[i]);
+ 		i++;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Prepare remote-parameter expressions for evaluation.  (Note: in
+ 	 * practice, we expect that all these expressions will be just Params, so
+ 	 * we could possibly do something more efficient than using the full
+ 	 * expression-eval machinery for this.  But probably there would be little
+ 	 * benefit, and it'd require postgres_fdw to know more than is desirable
+ 	 * about Param evaluation.)
+ 	 */
+ 	dpstate->param_exprs = (List *)
+ 		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) fsplan->fdw_exprs,
+ 					 (PlanState *) node);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Allocate buffer for text form of query parameters, if any.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (numParams > 0)
+ 		dpstate->param_values = (const char **) palloc0(numParams * sizeof(char *));
+ 	else
+ 		dpstate->param_values = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+  * postgresIterateDMLPushdown
+  *		Get the result of a pushed-down update/delete operation on a foreign table
+  */
+ static TupleTableSlot *
+ postgresIterateDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node)
+ {
+ 	PgFdwDmlPushdownState *dpstate = (PgFdwDmlPushdownState *) node->fdw_state;
+ 	EState	   *estate = node->ss.ps.state;
+ 	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * If this is the first call after Begin, execute the statement.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (dpstate->num_tuples == -1)
+ 		execute_dml_stmt(node);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * If the given query doesn't specify RETURNING, just return an empty slot.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (!resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
+ 	{
+ 		TupleTableSlot *slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
+ 		Instrumentation *instr = node->ss.ps.instrument;
+ 		Assert(!dpstate->has_returning);
+ 		/* Increment the command es_processed count if necessary. */
+ 		if (dpstate->set_processed)
+ 			estate->es_processed += dpstate->num_tuples;
+ 		/* Increment the tuple count for EXPLAIN ANALYZE if necessary. */
+ 		if (node->ss.ps.instrument)
+ 			instr->ntuples += dpstate->num_tuples;
+ 		return ExecClearTuple(slot);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Get the next returning result.
+ 	 */
+ 	return get_returning_result(node);
+ }
+ /*
+  * postgresEndDMLPushdown
+  *		Finish a pushed-down update/delete operation on a foreign table
+  */
+ static void
+ postgresEndDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node)
+ {
+ 	PgFdwDmlPushdownState *dpstate = (PgFdwDmlPushdownState *) node->fdw_state;
+ 	/* if dpstate is NULL, we are in EXPLAIN; nothing to do */
+ 	if (dpstate == NULL)
+ 		return;
+ 	/* Clean up */
+ 	if (dpstate->result)
+ 		PQclear(dpstate->result);
+ 	/* Release remote connection */
+ 	ReleaseConnection(dpstate->conn);
+ 	dpstate->conn = NULL;
+ 	/* MemoryContexts will be deleted automatically. */
+ }
+ /*
   * postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable
   *		Determine whether a foreign table supports INSERT, UPDATE and/or
   *		DELETE.
*** 1919,1924 **** postgresExplainForeignModify(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
--- 2319,2343 ----
+ /*
+  * postgresExplainDMLPushdown
+  *		Produce extra output for EXPLAIN of a ForeignScan for a pushed-down
+  *		update/delete operation on a foreign table
+  */
+ static void
+ postgresExplainDMLPushdown(ForeignScanState *node, ExplainState *es)
+ {
+ 	List	   *fdw_private;
+ 	char	   *sql;
+ 	if (es->verbose)
+ 	{
+ 		fdw_private = ((ForeignScan *) node->ss.ps.plan)->fdw_private;
+ 		sql = strVal(list_nth(fdw_private, FdwDmlPushdownPrivateUpdateSql));
+ 		ExplainPropertyText("Remote SQL", sql, es);
+ 	}
+ }
   * estimate_path_cost_size
*** 2510,2527 **** convert_prep_stmt_params(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
   * have PG_TRY blocks to ensure this happens.
  static void
! store_returning_result(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
! 					   TupleTableSlot *slot, PGresult *res)
  		HeapTuple	newtup;
! 		newtup = make_tuple_from_result_row(res, 0,
! 											fmstate->rel,
! 											fmstate->attinmeta,
! 											fmstate->retrieved_attrs,
! 											fmstate->temp_cxt);
  		/* tuple will be deleted when it is cleared from the slot */
  		ExecStoreTuple(newtup, slot, InvalidBuffer, true);
--- 2929,2951 ----
   * have PG_TRY blocks to ensure this happens.
  static void
! store_returning_result(TupleTableSlot *slot,
! 					   PGresult *res,
! 					   int row,
! 					   Relation rel,
! 					   AttInMetadata *attinmeta,
! 					   List *retrieved_attrs,
! 					   MemoryContext temp_context)
  		HeapTuple	newtup;
! 		newtup = make_tuple_from_result_row(res, row,
! 											rel,
! 											attinmeta,
! 											retrieved_attrs,
! 											temp_context);
  		/* tuple will be deleted when it is cleared from the slot */
  		ExecStoreTuple(newtup, slot, InvalidBuffer, true);
*** 2535,2540 **** store_returning_result(PgFdwModifyState *fmstate,
--- 2959,3183 ----
+  * Check to see whether it's safe to push an UPDATE/DELETE command down.
+  *
+  * Conditions checked here:
+  *
+  * 1. If there are any local joins needed, we mustn't push the command down,
+  * because that breaks execution of the joins.
+  *
+  * 2. If there are any quals that can't be evaluated remotely, we mustn't push
+  * the command down, because that breaks evaluation of the quals.
+  *
+  * 3. If the target relation has any row-level local triggers, we mustn't push
+  * the command down, because that breaks execution of the triggers.
+  *
+  * 4. For UPDATE, if it is unsafe to evaluate on the remote server any
+  * expressions to assign to the target columns, we can't push the command down.
+  */
+ static bool
+ dml_is_pushdown_safe(PlannerInfo *root,
+ 					 ModifyTable *plan,
+ 					 Index resultRelation,
+ 					 int subplan_index,
+ 					 Relation rel,
+ 					 List *targetAttrs)
+ {
+ 	CmdType		operation = plan->operation;
+ 	RelOptInfo *baserel = root->simple_rel_array[resultRelation];
+ 	Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) list_nth(plan->plans, subplan_index);
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	Assert(operation == CMD_UPDATE || operation == CMD_DELETE);
+ 	/* Check point 1 */
+ 	if (nodeTag(subplan) != T_ForeignScan)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/* Check point 2 */
+ 	if (subplan->qual != NIL)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/* Check point 3 */
+ 	if (relation_has_row_level_triggers(rel, operation))
+ 		return false;
+ 	/* Check point 4 */
+ 	foreach(lc, targetAttrs)
+ 	{
+ 		int			attnum = lfirst_int(lc);
+ 		TargetEntry *tle = get_tle_by_resno(subplan->targetlist,
+ 											attnum);
+ 		if (!is_foreign_expr(root, baserel, (Expr *) tle->expr))
+ 			return false;
+ 	}
+ 	return true;
+ }
+ /*
+  * relation_has_row_level_triggers
+  *		Determine if relation has any row-level triggers for a given operation.
+  */
+ static bool
+ relation_has_row_level_triggers(Relation rel, CmdType operation)
+ {
+ 	bool		result = false;
+ 	Assert(rel != NULL);
+ 	if (rel->trigdesc == NULL)
+ 		return result;
+ 	switch (operation)
+ 	{
+ 		case CMD_INSERT:
+ 			result = (rel->trigdesc->trig_insert_after_row ||
+ 					  rel->trigdesc->trig_insert_before_row);
+ 			break;
+ 		case CMD_UPDATE:
+ 			result = (rel->trigdesc->trig_update_after_row ||
+ 					  rel->trigdesc->trig_update_before_row);
+ 			break;
+ 		case CMD_DELETE:
+ 			result = (rel->trigdesc->trig_delete_after_row ||
+ 					  rel->trigdesc->trig_delete_before_row);
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			elog(ERROR, "unexpected operation: %d", (int) operation);
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	return result;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Execute a pushed-down UPDATE/DELETE statement.
+  */
+ static void
+ execute_dml_stmt(ForeignScanState *node)
+ {
+ 	PgFdwDmlPushdownState *dpstate = (PgFdwDmlPushdownState *) node->fdw_state;
+ 	ExprContext *econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;
+ 	int			numParams = dpstate->numParams;
+ 	const char **values = dpstate->param_values;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Construct array of query parameter values in text format.  We do the
+ 	 * conversions in the short-lived per-tuple context, so as not to cause a
+ 	 * memory leak over repeated scans.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (numParams > 0)
+ 	{
+ 		int			nestlevel;
+ 		MemoryContext oldcontext;
+ 		int			i;
+ 		ListCell   *lc;
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
+ 		nestlevel = set_transmission_modes();
+ 		i = 0;
+ 		foreach(lc, dpstate->param_exprs)
+ 		{
+ 			ExprState  *expr_state = (ExprState *) lfirst(lc);
+ 			Datum		expr_value;
+ 			bool		isNull;
+ 			/* Evaluate the parameter expression */
+ 			expr_value = ExecEvalExpr(expr_state, econtext, &isNull, NULL);
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Get string representation of each parameter value by invoking
+ 			 * type-specific output function, unless the value is null.
+ 			 */
+ 			if (isNull)
+ 				values[i] = NULL;
+ 			else
+ 				values[i] = OutputFunctionCall(&dpstate->param_flinfo[i],
+ 											   expr_value);
+ 			i++;
+ 		}
+ 		reset_transmission_modes(nestlevel);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Notice that we pass NULL for paramTypes, thus forcing the remote server
+ 	 * to infer types for all parameters.  Since we explicitly cast every
+ 	 * parameter (see deparse.c), the "inference" is trivial and will produce
+ 	 * the desired result.  This allows us to avoid assuming that the remote
+ 	 * server has the same OIDs we do for the parameters' types.
+ 	 *
+ 	 * We don't use a PG_TRY block here, so be careful not to throw error
+ 	 * without releasing the PGresult.
+ 	 */
+ 	dpstate->result = PQexecParams(dpstate->conn, dpstate->query,
+ 								   numParams, NULL, values, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ 	if (PQresultStatus(dpstate->result) !=
+ 		(dpstate->has_returning ? PGRES_TUPLES_OK : PGRES_COMMAND_OK))
+ 		pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, dpstate->result, dpstate->conn, true,
+ 						   dpstate->query);
+ 	/* Get the number of rows affected. */
+ 	if (dpstate->has_returning)
+ 		dpstate->num_tuples = PQntuples(dpstate->result);
+ 	else
+ 		dpstate->num_tuples = atoi(PQcmdTuples(dpstate->result));
+ }
+ /*
+  * Get the result of an UPDATE/DELETE RETURNING.
+  */
+ static TupleTableSlot *
+ get_returning_result(ForeignScanState *node)
+ {
+ 	PgFdwDmlPushdownState *dpstate = (PgFdwDmlPushdownState *) node->fdw_state;
+ 	TupleTableSlot *slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
+ 	EState	   *estate = node->ss.ps.state;
+ 	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
+ 	MemoryContext oldcontext;
+ 	Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning);
+ 	/* If we didn't get any tuples, must be end of data. */
+ 	if (dpstate->next_tuple >= dpstate->num_tuples)
+ 		return ExecClearTuple(slot);
+ 	/* Increment the command es_processed count if necessary. */
+ 	if (dpstate->set_processed)
+ 		estate->es_processed += 1;
+ 	/* OK, we'll store RETURNING tuples. */
+ 	if (!dpstate->has_returning)
+ 		ExecStoreAllNullTuple(slot);
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(dpstate->batch_cxt);
+ 		/* Fetch the next tuple. */
+ 		store_returning_result(slot,
+ 							   dpstate->result,
+ 							   dpstate->next_tuple,
+ 							   dpstate->rel,
+ 							   dpstate->attinmeta,
+ 							   dpstate->retrieved_attrs,
+ 							   dpstate->temp_cxt);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	}
+ 	dpstate->next_tuple++;
+ 	/* Set tuple for later evaluation of the RETURNING list. */
+ 	resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning->pi_exprContext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
+ 	return slot;
+ }
+ /*
   * postgresAnalyzeForeignTable
   *		Test whether analyzing this foreign table is supported
*** a/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.h
--- b/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.h
*** 103,112 **** extern void deparseUpdateSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
--- 103,126 ----
  				 Index rtindex, Relation rel,
  				 List *targetAttrs, List *returningList,
  				 List **retrieved_attrs);
+ extern void deparsePushedDownUpdateSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
+ 									   Index rtindex, Relation rel,
+ 									   List	*targetlist,
+ 									   List *targetAttrs,
+ 									   List	*remote_conds,
+ 									   List **params_list,
+ 									   List *returningList,
+ 									   List **retrieved_attrs);
  extern void deparseDeleteSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
  				 Index rtindex, Relation rel,
  				 List *returningList,
  				 List **retrieved_attrs);
+ extern void deparsePushedDownDeleteSql(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root,
+ 									   Index rtindex, Relation rel,
+ 									   List	*remote_conds,
+ 									   List **params_list,
+ 									   List *returningList,
+ 									   List **retrieved_attrs);
  extern void deparseAnalyzeSizeSql(StringInfo buf, Relation rel);
  extern void deparseAnalyzeSql(StringInfo buf, Relation rel,
  				  List **retrieved_attrs);
*** a/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
--- b/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
*** 399,418 **** INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3) SELECT c1+1000,c2+100, c3 || c3 FROM ft2 LIMIT 20;
  INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3)
    VALUES (1101,201,'aaa'), (1102,202,'bbb'), (1103,203,'ccc') RETURNING *;
  INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3) VALUES (1104,204,'ddd'), (1105,205,'eee');
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 300, c3 = c3 || '_update3' WHERE c1 % 10 = 3;
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING *;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
!   FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
    FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
!   DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
  DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
! DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;
  DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;
  SELECT c1,c2,c3,c4 FROM ft2 ORDER BY c1;
  -- Test that trigger on remote table works as expected
--- 399,425 ----
  INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3)
    VALUES (1101,201,'aaa'), (1102,202,'bbb'), (1103,203,'ccc') RETURNING *;
  INSERT INTO ft2 (c1,c2,c3) VALUES (1104,204,'ddd'), (1105,205,'eee');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 300, c3 = c3 || '_update3' WHERE c1 % 10 = 3;              -- can be pushed down
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 300, c3 = c3 || '_update3' WHERE c1 % 10 = 3;
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING *;  -- can be pushed down
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = c2 + 400, c3 = c3 || '_update7' WHERE c1 % 10 = 7 RETURNING *;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
!   FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;                               -- can't be pushed down
  UPDATE ft2 SET c2 = ft2.c2 + 500, c3 = ft2.c3 || '_update9', c7 = DEFAULT
    FROM ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 9;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
!   DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;                               -- can be pushed down
  DELETE FROM ft2 WHERE c1 % 10 = 5 RETURNING c1, c4;
  EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
! DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;                -- can't be pushed down
  DELETE FROM ft2 USING ft1 WHERE ft1.c1 = ft2.c2 AND ft1.c1 % 10 = 2;
  SELECT c1,c2,c3,c4 FROM ft2 ORDER BY c1;
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c7 = DEFAULT WHERE c1 % 10 = 0 AND date(c4) = '1970-01-01'::date;    -- can't be pushed down
+ UPDATE ft2 SET c7 = DEFAULT WHERE c1 % 10 = 0 AND date(c4) = '1970-01-01'::date;
  -- Test that trigger on remote table works as expected
*** 728,733 **** UPDATE rem1 SET f2 = 'testo';
--- 735,824 ----
  -- Test returning a system attribute
  INSERT INTO rem1(f2) VALUES ('test') RETURNING ctid;
+ -- cleanup
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before ON rem1;
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after ON rem1;
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_local_before ON loc1;
+ -- Test update-pushdown functionality
+ -- Test with statement-level triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_stmt_before
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_stmt_before ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_stmt_after
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_stmt_after ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON INSERT triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_insert
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_insert ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_insert
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_insert ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON UPDATE triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_update
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can't be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_update ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_update
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can't be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_update ON rem1;
+ -- Test with row-level ON DELETE triggers
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_before_delete
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can't be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_before_delete ON rem1;
+ CREATE TRIGGER trig_row_after_delete
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ UPDATE rem1 set f2 = '';          -- can be pushed down
+ EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off)
+ DELETE FROM rem1;                 -- can't be pushed down
+ DROP TRIGGER trig_row_after_delete ON rem1;
  -- ===================================================================
  -- test inheritance features
  -- ===================================================================
*** a/doc/src/sgml/postgres-fdw.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/postgres-fdw.sgml
*** 471,476 ****
--- 471,485 ----
     extension that's listed in the foreign server's <literal>extensions</>
     option.  Operators and functions in such clauses must
     be <literal>IMMUTABLE</> as well.
+    For an <command>UPDATE</> or <command>DELETE</> query,
+    <filename>postgres_fdw</> attempts to optimize the query execution by
+    sending the whole query to the remote server if there are no query
+    <literal>WHERE</> clauses that cannot be sent to the remote server,
+    no local joins for the query, or no row-level local <literal>BEFORE</> or
+    <literal>AFTER</> triggers on the target table.  In <command>UPDATE</>,
+    expressions to assign to target columns must use only built-in data types,
+    <literal>IMMUTABLE</> operators, and <literal>IMMUTABLE</> functions,
+    to reduce the risk of misexecution of the query.
*** a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
--- b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
*** 888,894 **** ExplainNode(PlanState *planstate, List *ancestors,
  			pname = sname = "WorkTable Scan";
  		case T_ForeignScan:
! 			pname = sname = "Foreign Scan";
  		case T_CustomScan:
  			sname = "Custom Scan";
--- 888,912 ----
  			pname = sname = "WorkTable Scan";
  		case T_ForeignScan:
! 			sname = "Foreign Scan";
! 			switch (((ForeignScan *) plan)->operation)
! 			{
! 				case CMD_SELECT:
! 					pname = "Foreign Scan";
! 					operation = "Select";
! 					break;
! 				case CMD_UPDATE:
! 					pname = "Foreign Update";
! 					operation = "Update";
! 					break;
! 				case CMD_DELETE:
! 					pname = "Foreign Delete";
! 					operation = "Delete";
! 					break;
! 				default:
! 					pname = "???";
! 					break;
! 			}
  		case T_CustomScan:
  			sname = "Custom Scan";
*** 1624,1629 **** show_plan_tlist(PlanState *planstate, List *ancestors, ExplainState *es)
--- 1642,1652 ----
  	if (IsA(plan, RecursiveUnion))
+ 	/* Likewise for ForeignScan in case of pushed-down UPDATE/DELETE */
+ 	if (IsA(plan, ForeignScan) &&
+ 		(((ForeignScan *) plan)->operation == CMD_UPDATE ||
+ 		 ((ForeignScan *) plan)->operation == CMD_DELETE))
+ 		return;
  	/* Set up deparsing context */
  	context = set_deparse_context_planstate(es->deparse_cxt,
*** 2212,2219 **** show_foreignscan_info(ForeignScanState *fsstate, ExplainState *es)
  	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine = fsstate->fdwroutine;
  	/* Let the FDW emit whatever fields it wants */
! 	if (fdwroutine->ExplainForeignScan != NULL)
! 		fdwroutine->ExplainForeignScan(fsstate, es);
--- 2235,2250 ----
  	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine = fsstate->fdwroutine;
  	/* Let the FDW emit whatever fields it wants */
! 	if (((ForeignScan *) fsstate->ss.ps.plan)->operation != CMD_SELECT)
! 	{
! 		if (fdwroutine->ExplainDMLPushdown != NULL)
! 			fdwroutine->ExplainDMLPushdown(fsstate, es);
! 	}
! 	else
! 	{
! 		if (fdwroutine->ExplainForeignScan != NULL)
! 			fdwroutine->ExplainForeignScan(fsstate, es);
! 	}
*** 2599,2606 **** show_modifytable_info(ModifyTableState *mtstate, List *ancestors,
! 		/* Give FDW a chance */
! 		if (fdwroutine && fdwroutine->ExplainForeignModify != NULL)
  			List	   *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, j);
--- 2630,2639 ----
! 		/* Give FDW a chance if needed */
! 		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 			fdwroutine &&
! 			fdwroutine->ExplainForeignModify != NULL)
  			List	   *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, j);
*** a/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
*** 1011,1020 **** InitPlan(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
   * CheckValidRowMarkRel.
! CheckValidResultRel(Relation resultRel, CmdType operation)
  	TriggerDesc *trigDesc = resultRel->trigdesc;
  	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
  	switch (resultRel->rd_rel->relkind)
--- 1011,1022 ----
   * CheckValidRowMarkRel.
! CheckValidResultRel(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, CmdType operation)
+ 	Relation	resultRel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
  	TriggerDesc *trigDesc = resultRel->trigdesc;
  	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
+ 	bool		allow_pushdown;
  	switch (resultRel->rd_rel->relkind)
*** 1083,1096 **** CheckValidResultRel(Relation resultRel, CmdType operation)
  			/* Okay only if the FDW supports it */
  			fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(resultRel, false);
  			switch (operation)
  				case CMD_INSERT:
! 					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignInsert == NULL)
! 							errmsg("cannot insert into foreign table \"%s\"",
! 								   RelationGetRelationName(resultRel))));
  					if (fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable != NULL &&
  						(fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable(resultRel) & (1 << CMD_INSERT)) == 0)
--- 1085,1107 ----
  			/* Okay only if the FDW supports it */
  			fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(resultRel, false);
+ 			allow_pushdown = ((fdwroutine->BeginDMLPushdown != NULL) &&
+ 							  (fdwroutine->IterateDMLPushdown != NULL) &&
+ 							  (fdwroutine->EndDMLPushdown != NULL));
  			switch (operation)
  				case CMD_INSERT:
! 					if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown && !allow_pushdown)
! 								 errmsg("cannot push down insert on foreign table \"%s\"",
! 										RelationGetRelationName(resultRel))));
! 					if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 						fdwroutine->ExecForeignInsert == NULL)
! 						ereport(ERROR,
! 								 errmsg("cannot insert into foreign table \"%s\"",
! 										RelationGetRelationName(resultRel))));
  					if (fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable != NULL &&
  						(fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable(resultRel) & (1 << CMD_INSERT)) == 0)
*** 1099,1105 **** CheckValidResultRel(Relation resultRel, CmdType operation)
  				case CMD_UPDATE:
! 					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignUpdate == NULL)
  								 errmsg("cannot update foreign table \"%s\"",
--- 1110,1122 ----
  				case CMD_UPDATE:
! 					if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown && !allow_pushdown)
! 						ereport(ERROR,
! 								 errmsg("cannot push down update on foreign table \"%s\"",
! 										RelationGetRelationName(resultRel))));
! 					if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 						fdwroutine->ExecForeignUpdate == NULL)
  								 errmsg("cannot update foreign table \"%s\"",
*** 1112,1118 **** CheckValidResultRel(Relation resultRel, CmdType operation)
  				case CMD_DELETE:
! 					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignDelete == NULL)
  							errmsg("cannot delete from foreign table \"%s\"",
--- 1129,1141 ----
  				case CMD_DELETE:
! 					if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown && !allow_pushdown)
! 						ereport(ERROR,
! 								 errmsg("cannot push down delete on foreign table \"%s\"",
! 										RelationGetRelationName(resultRel))));
! 					if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 						fdwroutine->ExecForeignDelete == NULL)
  							errmsg("cannot delete from foreign table \"%s\"",
*** 1245,1250 **** InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
--- 1268,1274 ----
  		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine = NULL;
  	resultRelInfo->ri_FdwState = NULL;
+ 	resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown = false;
  	resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs = NULL;
  	resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter = NULL;
  	resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning = NULL;
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c
*** 48,54 **** ForeignNext(ForeignScanState *node)
  	/* Call the Iterate function in short-lived context */
  	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
! 	slot = node->fdwroutine->IterateForeignScan(node);
--- 48,57 ----
  	/* Call the Iterate function in short-lived context */
  	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
! 	if (plan->operation != CMD_SELECT)
! 		slot = node->fdwroutine->IterateDMLPushdown(node);
! 	else
! 		slot = node->fdwroutine->IterateForeignScan(node);
*** 226,232 **** ExecInitForeignScan(ForeignScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  	 * Tell the FDW to initialize the scan.
! 	fdwroutine->BeginForeignScan(scanstate, eflags);
  	return scanstate;
--- 229,238 ----
  	 * Tell the FDW to initialize the scan.
! 	if (node->operation != CMD_SELECT)
! 		fdwroutine->BeginDMLPushdown(scanstate, eflags);
! 	else
! 		fdwroutine->BeginForeignScan(scanstate, eflags);
  	return scanstate;
*** 240,247 **** ExecInitForeignScan(ForeignScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  ExecEndForeignScan(ForeignScanState *node)
  	/* Let the FDW shut down */
! 	node->fdwroutine->EndForeignScan(node);
  	/* Shut down any outer plan. */
  	if (outerPlanState(node))
--- 246,258 ----
  ExecEndForeignScan(ForeignScanState *node)
+ 	ForeignScan *plan = (ForeignScan *) node->ss.ps.plan;
  	/* Let the FDW shut down */
! 	if (plan->operation != CMD_SELECT)
! 		node->fdwroutine->EndDMLPushdown(node);
! 	else
! 		node->fdwroutine->EndForeignScan(node);
  	/* Shut down any outer plan. */
  	if (outerPlanState(node))
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c
*** 1357,1362 **** ExecModifyTable(ModifyTableState *node)
--- 1357,1383 ----
+ 		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown && resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
+ 		{
+ 			ProjectionInfo *projectReturning = resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning;
+ 			ExprContext *econtext = projectReturning->pi_exprContext;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation
+ 			 * storage allocated in the previous cycle.
+ 			 */
+ 			ResetExprContext(econtext);
+ 			/* Make any needed join variables available to ExecProject */
+ 			econtext->ecxt_outertuple = planSlot;
+ 			/* Compute the RETURNING expressions */
+ 			slot = ExecProject(resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning, NULL);
+ 			estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;
+ 			return slot;
+ 		}
  		EvalPlanQualSetSlot(&node->mt_epqstate, planSlot);
  		slot = planSlot;
*** 1536,1545 **** ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  		subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);
  		 * Verify result relation is a valid target for the current operation
! 		CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, operation);
  		 * If there are indices on the result relation, open them and save
--- 1557,1569 ----
  		subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);
+ 		/* Initialize the FdwPushdown flag */
+ 		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown = list_nth_int(node->fdwPushdowns, i);
  		 * Verify result relation is a valid target for the current operation
! 		CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo, operation);
  		 * If there are indices on the result relation, open them and save
*** 1560,1566 **** ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  		mtstate->mt_plans[i] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);
  		/* Also let FDWs init themselves for foreign-table result rels */
! 		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
  			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignModify != NULL)
  			List	   *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, i);
--- 1584,1591 ----
  		mtstate->mt_plans[i] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);
  		/* Also let FDWs init themselves for foreign-table result rels */
! 		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
  			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignModify != NULL)
  			List	   *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, i);
*** 1731,1743 **** ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
--- 1756,1777 ----
  		erm = ExecFindRowMark(estate, rc->rti, false);
  		/* build ExecAuxRowMark for each subplan */
+ 		resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
  		for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)
  			ExecAuxRowMark *aerm;
+ 			/* ignore subplan if the FDW pushes the command down */
+ 			if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown)
+ 			{
+ 				resultRelInfo++;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
  			subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;
  			aerm = ExecBuildAuxRowMark(erm, subplan->targetlist);
  			mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i] = lappend(mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i], aerm);
+ 			resultRelInfo++;
*** 1793,1798 **** ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
--- 1827,1839 ----
  				JunkFilter *j;
+ 				/* ignore subplan if the FDW pushes the command down */
+ 				if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown)
+ 				{
+ 					resultRelInfo++;
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
  				subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;
  				if (operation == CMD_INSERT || operation == CMD_UPDATE)
*** 1887,1893 **** ExecEndModifyTable(ModifyTableState *node)
  		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo + i;
! 		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
  			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignModify != NULL)
--- 1928,1935 ----
  		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo + i;
! 		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_FdwPushdown &&
! 			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
  			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignModify != NULL)
*** a/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c
*** 186,191 **** _copyModifyTable(const ModifyTable *from)
--- 186,192 ----
+ 	COPY_NODE_FIELD(fdwPushdowns);
*** 645,650 **** _copyForeignScan(const ForeignScan *from)
--- 646,652 ----
  	 * copy remainder of node
+ 	COPY_SCALAR_FIELD(operation);
*** a/src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c
*** 340,345 **** _outModifyTable(StringInfo str, const ModifyTable *node)
--- 340,346 ----
+ 	WRITE_NODE_FIELD(fdwPushdowns);
  	WRITE_ENUM_FIELD(onConflictAction, OnConflictAction);
*** 591,596 **** _outForeignScan(StringInfo str, const ForeignScan *node)
--- 592,598 ----
  	_outScanInfo(str, (const Scan *) node);
+ 	WRITE_ENUM_FIELD(operation, CmdType);
*** a/src/backend/nodes/readfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/readfuncs.c
*** 1471,1476 **** _readModifyTable(void)
--- 1471,1477 ----
+ 	READ_NODE_FIELD(fdwPushdowns);
  	READ_ENUM_FIELD(onConflictAction, OnConflictAction);
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c
*** 3768,3773 **** make_foreignscan(List *qptlist,
--- 3768,3774 ----
  	plan->lefttree = outer_plan;
  	plan->righttree = NULL;
  	node->scan.scanrelid = scanrelid;
+ 	node->operation = CMD_SELECT;
  	/* fs_server will be filled in by create_foreignscan_plan */
  	node->fs_server = InvalidOid;
  	node->fdw_exprs = fdw_exprs;
*** 5043,5048 **** make_modifytable(PlannerInfo *root,
--- 5044,5050 ----
  	Plan	   *plan = &node->plan;
  	double		total_size;
  	List	   *fdw_private_list;
+ 	List	   *fdwpushdown_list;
  	ListCell   *subnode;
  	ListCell   *lc;
  	int			i;
*** 5123,5134 **** make_modifytable(PlannerInfo *root,
--- 5125,5138 ----
  	 * construct private plan data, and accumulate it all into a list.
  	fdw_private_list = NIL;
+ 	fdwpushdown_list = NIL;
  	i = 0;
  	foreach(lc, resultRelations)
  		Index		rti = lfirst_int(lc);
  		FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
  		List	   *fdw_private;
+ 		bool		fdwpushdown;
  		 * If possible, we want to get the FdwRoutine from our RelOptInfo for
*** 5156,5161 **** make_modifytable(PlannerInfo *root,
--- 5160,5173 ----
  		if (fdwroutine != NULL &&
+ 			fdwroutine->PlanDMLPushdown != NULL)
+ 			fdwpushdown = fdwroutine->PlanDMLPushdown(root, node, rti, i);
+ 		else
+ 			fdwpushdown = false;
+ 		fdwpushdown_list = lappend_int(fdwpushdown_list, fdwpushdown);
+ 		if (!fdwpushdown &&
+ 			fdwroutine != NULL &&
  			fdwroutine->PlanForeignModify != NULL)
  			fdw_private = fdwroutine->PlanForeignModify(root, node, rti, i);
*** 5164,5169 **** make_modifytable(PlannerInfo *root,
--- 5176,5182 ----
  	node->fdwPrivLists = fdw_private_list;
+ 	node->fdwPushdowns = fdwpushdown_list;
  	return node;
*** a/src/include/executor/executor.h
--- b/src/include/executor/executor.h
*** 184,190 **** extern void ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
  extern void standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
  extern void ExecutorRewind(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
  extern bool ExecCheckRTPerms(List *rangeTable, bool ereport_on_violation);
! extern void CheckValidResultRel(Relation resultRel, CmdType operation);
  extern void InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
  				  Relation resultRelationDesc,
  				  Index resultRelationIndex,
--- 184,190 ----
  extern void standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
  extern void ExecutorRewind(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
  extern bool ExecCheckRTPerms(List *rangeTable, bool ereport_on_violation);
! extern void CheckValidResultRel(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, CmdType operation);
  extern void InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
  				  Relation resultRelationDesc,
  				  Index resultRelationIndex,
*** a/src/include/foreign/fdwapi.h
--- b/src/include/foreign/fdwapi.h
*** 91,96 **** typedef TupleTableSlot *(*ExecForeignDelete_function) (EState *estate,
--- 91,108 ----
  typedef void (*EndForeignModify_function) (EState *estate,
  													   ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
+ typedef bool (*PlanDMLPushdown_function) (PlannerInfo *root,
+ 										  ModifyTable *plan,
+ 										  Index resultRelation,
+ 										  int subplan_index);
+ typedef void (*BeginDMLPushdown_function) (ForeignScanState *node,
+ 										   int eflags);
+ typedef TupleTableSlot *(*IterateDMLPushdown_function) (ForeignScanState *node);
+ typedef void (*EndDMLPushdown_function) (ForeignScanState *node);
  typedef int (*IsForeignRelUpdatable_function) (Relation rel);
  typedef RowMarkType (*GetForeignRowMarkType_function) (RangeTblEntry *rte,
*** 110,115 **** typedef void (*ExplainForeignModify_function) (ModifyTableState *mtstate,
--- 122,130 ----
  														   int subplan_index,
  													struct ExplainState *es);
+ typedef void (*ExplainDMLPushdown_function) (ForeignScanState *node,
+ 													struct ExplainState *es);
  typedef int (*AcquireSampleRowsFunc) (Relation relation, int elevel,
  											   HeapTuple *rows, int targrows,
  												  double *totalrows,
*** 161,166 **** typedef struct FdwRoutine
--- 176,185 ----
  	ExecForeignUpdate_function ExecForeignUpdate;
  	ExecForeignDelete_function ExecForeignDelete;
  	EndForeignModify_function EndForeignModify;
+ 	PlanDMLPushdown_function PlanDMLPushdown;
+ 	BeginDMLPushdown_function BeginDMLPushdown;
+ 	IterateDMLPushdown_function IterateDMLPushdown;
+ 	EndDMLPushdown_function EndDMLPushdown;
  	IsForeignRelUpdatable_function IsForeignRelUpdatable;
  	/* Functions for SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE row locking */
*** 171,176 **** typedef struct FdwRoutine
--- 190,196 ----
  	/* Support functions for EXPLAIN */
  	ExplainForeignScan_function ExplainForeignScan;
  	ExplainForeignModify_function ExplainForeignModify;
+ 	ExplainDMLPushdown_function ExplainDMLPushdown;
  	/* Support functions for ANALYZE */
  	AnalyzeForeignTable_function AnalyzeForeignTable;
*** a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
*** 311,316 **** typedef struct JunkFilter
--- 311,317 ----
   *		TrigInstrument			optional runtime measurements for triggers
   *		FdwRoutine				FDW callback functions, if foreign table
   *		FdwState				available to save private state of FDW
+  *		FdwPushdown				true when the command is pushed down
   *		WithCheckOptions		list of WithCheckOption's to be checked
   *		WithCheckOptionExprs	list of WithCheckOption expr states
   *		ConstraintExprs			array of constraint-checking expr states
*** 334,339 **** typedef struct ResultRelInfo
--- 335,341 ----
  	Instrumentation *ri_TrigInstrument;
  	struct FdwRoutine *ri_FdwRoutine;
  	void	   *ri_FdwState;
+ 	bool		ri_FdwPushdown;
  	List	   *ri_WithCheckOptions;
  	List	   *ri_WithCheckOptionExprs;
  	List	  **ri_ConstraintExprs;
*** a/src/include/nodes/plannodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/plannodes.h
*** 188,193 **** typedef struct ModifyTable
--- 188,194 ----
  	List	   *withCheckOptionLists;	/* per-target-table WCO lists */
  	List	   *returningLists; /* per-target-table RETURNING tlists */
  	List	   *fdwPrivLists;	/* per-target-table FDW private data lists */
+ 	List	   *fdwPushdowns;	/* per-target-table FDW pushdown flags */
  	List	   *rowMarks;		/* PlanRowMarks (non-locking only) */
  	int			epqParam;		/* ID of Param for EvalPlanQual re-eval */
  	OnConflictAction onConflictAction;	/* ON CONFLICT action */
*** 530,535 **** typedef struct WorkTableScan
--- 531,537 ----
  typedef struct ForeignScan
  	Scan		scan;
+ 	CmdType		operation;		/* SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE */
  	Oid			fs_server;		/* OID of foreign server */
  	List	   *fdw_exprs;		/* expressions that FDW may evaluate */
  	List	   *fdw_private;	/* private data for FDW */
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