Thomas Munro <> writes:
> [ tab-complete-macrology-v11.patch.gz ]

A couple of stylistic reactions after looking through the patch for the
first time in a long time:

1. It seems inconsistent that all the new macros are named in CamelCase
style, whereas there is still plenty of usage of the existing macros like
COMPLETE_WITH_LIST.  It looks pretty jarring IMO.  I think we should
either rename the new macros back to all-upper-case style, or rename the
existing macros in CamelCase style.

I slightly favor the latter option; we're already pretty much breaking any
hope of tab-complete fixes applying backwards over this patch, so changing
the code even more doesn't seem like a problem.  Either way, it's a quick
search-and-replace.  Thoughts?

2. Why does MatchAnyExcept use "'" as the inversion flag, rather than
say "!" or "~" ?  Seems pretty random.

                        regards, tom lane

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