>> One lesson from XL we got is that we need testing framework for cluster,
>> so any cluster project should at least pass functional and performance
>> testing.
> +1. In early XC days, we focused a lot on adding newer features and
> supporting as many PG features as possible. That took its toll on the
> testing and QA. It was a mistake though my feeling was we tried to correct
> that to some extend with XL. We did a 9.5 merge, which of course was a big
> deal, but other than more time is being spent on improving stability and
> performance

Agreed. Any cluster project needs a cluster testing framework.

pgpool-II project runs "build farm" which runs cluster regression
tests every day. The tests includes several versions of pgpool-II and
PostgreSQL combinations using docker. Still it needs more tests but
even with limited test cases, it is pretty usefull to detect bugs.

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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