Tom Lane wrote:
> I wrote:
> > I think it would be a good idea to extend the brinopers table to include
> > the number of expected matches, and to complain if that's not what we got,
> > rather than simply checking for zero.
> Also, further experimentation shows that there are about 30 entries in the
> brinopers table that give rise to seqscan plans even when we're commanding
> a bitmap scan, presumably because those operators aren't brin-indexable.
> They're not the problematic cases, but things like 
>       ((charcol)::text > 'A'::text)
> Is there a reason to have such things in the table, or is this just a
> thinko?  Or is it actually a bug that we're getting such plans?

No, I left those there knowing that there are no plans involving brin --
in a way, they provide some future proofing if some of those operators
are made indexable later.

I couldn't think of a way to test that the plans are actually using the
brin index or not, but if we can do that in some way, that would be

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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