Tom Lane wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> > Evidently there is a problem right there.  If I simply add an "order by
> > tenthous" as proposed by Peter, many more errors appear; and what errors
> > appear differs if I change shared_buffers.  I think the real fix for
> > this is to change the hand-picked values used in the brinopers table, so
> > that they all pass the test using some reasonable ORDER BY specification
> > in the populating query (probably tenk1.unique1).
> I may be confused, but why would the physical ordering of the table
> entries make a difference to the correct answers for this test?
> (I can certainly see why that might break the brin code, but not
> why it should change the seqscan's answers.)

We create the brintest using a scan of tenk1 LIMIT 100, without
specifying the order.  So whether we find rows that match each test query
is pure chance.

> Also, what I'd just noticed is that all of the cases that are failing are
> ones where the expected number of matching rows is exactly 1.  I am
> wondering if the test is sometimes just missing random rows, and we're not
> seeing any reported problem unless that makes it go down to no rows.  (But
> I do not know how that could simultaneously affect the seqscan case ...)

Yeah, we compare the ctid sets of the results, and we assume that a
seqscan would get that correctly.

> I think it would be a good idea to extend the brinopers table to include
> the number of expected matches, and to complain if that's not what we got,
> rather than simply checking for zero.

That sounds reasonable.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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