
On 05/30/15 23:16, Tom Lane wrote:
I wrote:
So what this seems to mean is that for SEMI/ANTI join cases, we have to
postpone all of the inner scan cost determination to final_cost_nestloop,
so that we can do this differently depending on whether
has_indexed_join_quals() is true.  That's a little bit annoying because it
will mean we take the shortcut exit less often; but since SEMI/ANTI joins
aren't that common, it's probably not going to be a big planning time hit.

Attached is a draft patch for that.  It fixes the problem for me:

  Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=0.99..9.09 rows=1 width=74) (actual 
time=0.591..1.554 rows=2 loops=1)
    ->  Index Scan using term_facttablename_columnname_idx on term t  
(cost=0.55..8.57 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.022..0.025 rows=2 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (((facttablename)::text = 'facttable_stat_fta4'::text) 
AND ((columnname)::text = 'berechnungsart'::text))
    ->  Index Only Scan using facttable_stat_fta4_berechnungsart_idx on 
facttable_stat_fta4 f  (cost=0.43..143244.98 rows=5015134 width=2) (actual 
time=0.759..0.759 rows=1 loops=2)
          Index Cond: (berechnungsart = (t.term)::text)
          Heap Fetches: 0
  Planning time: 0.545 ms
  Execution time: 1.615 ms

Seems to be working OK, but I still do get a Bitmap Heap Scan there (but more about that later).

Do you plan to push that into 9.5, or 9.6? I assume it's a behavior change so that no back-patching, right?

Not sure yet about your other point about the indexscan getting
rejected too soon. That doesn't seem to be happening for me, at
least not in HEAD.

I do see something of the sort if I turn off enable_indexonlyscan.
Not sure about a good fix for that aspect.  It may not be terribly
critical, since AFAICS index-only scans generally ought to apply
in these cases.

Hmmm, a VACUUM FREEZE fixed that for me. The reason is that right after loading the testcase, I do get this:

   Index Only Scan using facttable_stat_fta4_berechnungsart_idx
   on facttable_stat_fta4 f  (cost=0.43..280220.51 rows=5000016 width=2)

and after VACUUM FREEZE I do get this:

   Index Only Scan using facttable_stat_fta4_berechnungsart_idx
   on facttable_stat_fta4 f  (cost=0.43..142344.43 rows=5000000 width=2)

and the Bitmap Heap Scan case looks like this:

   Bitmap Heap Scan on facttable_stat_fta4 f
   (cost=93594.56..200342.76 rows=5000016 width=2)

so it's cheaper (total cost) than the index only scan before freezing, and more expensive than index only scan after freezing.

I still think this is wrong (or rather "suboptimal") - there are probably cases where even the "freezed" index only scan is more expensive than a bitmap heap scan, and in that case the it won't be used, although it'd be much faster.

Another example is a query with a plain index scan, e.g. consider this slight modification of the query:

SELECT facttablename, columnname, term FROM term t WHERE facttablename='facttable_stat_fta4' AND columnname='berechnungsart' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM facttable_stat_fta4 f WHERE f.berechnungsart=t.term AND einheit IS NOT NULL);

This will result in bitmap index scan no matter the visibility.

Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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