Dan Langille wrote:> On 5 Dec 2002 at 11:47, Dan Langille wrote:
You should now go to the table this RI constraint was referring to and delete the two triggers in there as well. They will still be checking for deletions and updates. Look for something likePrimary key: watch_list_staging_pkey
Check constraints: "watch_list_stag_from_watch_list" ((from_watch_list = 't'::bool) OR (from_watch_list = 'f'::bool))
"watch_list_stagin_from_pkg_info" ((from_pkg_info = 't'::bool) OR (from_pkg_info = 'f'::bool))
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_4278482,
No mention of FK constraints.
Found the solution: drop trigger "RI_ConstraintTrigger_4278488" on watch_list_staging;
and with the associated procedure RI_FKey_noaction_del and RI_FKey_noaction_upd
BTW, the rhdb-admin program can drop the constraints for you, even the unnamed ones on backends 7.2 up. You can download it from:
Of course, now that you broke the set of triggers for this FK constraint you'll still need to drop the other ones by hand. But the tool at least will show you the column and table involved so it will be easier to identify the two you have to get rid of.
Fernando Nasser
Red Hat - Toronto E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario M4P 2C9
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