On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 1:02 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this is pretty lousy.  The reasons why the user wants things
> that way is because they created a UNIQUE index and it got bloated
> somehow with lots of dead tuples.  So they made a new UNIQUE index on
> the same column and then they're planning to do a DROP INDEX
> CONCURRENTLY on the old one, which is maybe even now in progress.  And
> now they start getting duplicate key failures, the avoidance of which
> was their whole reason for using UPSERT in the first place.  If I were
> that user, I'd report that as a bug, and if someone told me that it
> was intended behavior, I'd say "oh, so you deliberately designed this
> feature to not work some of the time?".
> ISTM that we need to (1) decide which operator we're using to compare
> and then (2) tolerate conflicts in every index that uses that
> operator.  In most cases there will only be one, but if there are
> more, so be it.

On reflection, I see your point. I'll try and do something about this too.

Peter Geoghegan

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