On 09/03/2014 11:48 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

Anyway, to get back around to the topic of PL/SQL compatibility
specifically, if you care about that issue, pick one thing that exists
in PL/SQL but not in PL/pgsql and try to do something about it.  Maybe
it'll be something that EnterpiseDB has already done something about,
in which case, if your patch gets committed, Advanced Server will lose
a bit of distinction as compared with PostgreSQL.  Or maybe it'll be
something that EnterpriseDB hasn't done anything about, and then
everybody comes out strictly ahead.  What I think you shouldn't do
(although you're free to ignore me) is continue thinking of Oracle
compatibility as one monolithic thing, because it isn't, or to pursue
of a course of trying to get the PostgreSQL community to slavishly
follow Oracle, because I think you'll fail, and even if you succeed I
don't think the results will actually be positive for PostgreSQL.

Well put Robert.


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