Tom Lane wrote:
> It might work to measure time since the start of the whole process, or
> until the timeout target, rather than accumulating adjustments to the
> "remains" count each time through.  In other words something like
>       at start: targettime = time() + specified-timeout
>       each time we are about to wait: set select timeout to
>       targettime - time().
> This bounds the error at 1 second which is probably good enough (you
> might want to add 1 to targettime to ensure the error is in the
> conservative direction of not timing out too soon).

I was working with this approach, when I noticed on *unmodified* cvs tip 
(about a day old):

test=# set statement_timeout=1;
test=# \dt
ERROR:  Query was cancelled.

the setting is described like this:


Aborts any statement that takes over the specified number of milliseconds. A 
value of zero turns off the timer."

The proposed change will take this to a 1 second granularity anyway, so I was 
thinking we should change the setting to have a UOM of seconds, and fix the 
documentation. Any comments or concerns with regard to this plan?



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