I wrote this patch for my system, and it works fine. However, it's a really ugly 
workaround. I can publish the source
if anybody is interested.

Am Montag, 26. August 2002 06:33 schrieb Thomas O'Dowd:
> Thanks for your feedback Stephan. Seems like a tough fix. Pitty it won't
> make it into 7.3. I presume there are other folk out there suffering
> from the same problems that I'm having. What approaches if any have
> people taken to work around this problem? I read in the list that one
> user patched his postmaster to explictly ignore the RI "FOR UPDATE" on
> tables he knew weren't changing. Can't find the detailed message in the
> archives right now, but I read it earlier. Any other work-arounds?
> Tom.
> On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 12:46, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> > > My question is if this is now resolved for 7.3? I'm trying to figure
> > > out what I can do with my 7.2.1 problems... Has anyone got a
> > > back-ported patch, perhaps against 7.2.2?
> >
> > It's actually not resolved because my attempts at the lower strength lock
> > opened up holes and fixing those opened up new deadlock situations, and
> > I ran out of time in the 7.3 cycle to try to make it work.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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