On 11/29/2012 01:10 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:

*) have you considered something like
anyelement from_json(anyelement, json)
select <json>::some_type;  (this may or many not be possible given our
casting mechanics; i don't know).
I have no idea what the semantics of this would be.
Yeah, there's a lot of nuance there.
One way to tackle it would give the argument element as a template
and the result will the same template filled in from json filled

create table tab1(id serial primary key, ts timestamp default now(), data text);

insert into tab1 select from_json(row(null,null,null)::tab1, '{"data":"the data"}'); insert into tab1 select from_json(row(null,null,null)::tab1, '{"id":-1, "ts":null, "data":""}'); insert into tab1 select from_json(t.*,'{"data":"more data"}') from tab1 t where id = -1;

hannu=# select row_to_json(t.*) from tab1 t;
 {"id":1,"ts":"2012-11-29 02:01:48.379172","data":"the data"}
 {"id":-1,"ts":null, "data":""}
 {"id":2,"ts":"2012-11-29 02:02:34.600164","data":"more data"}
(3 rows)

if extracting the defaults from table def proves too tricky for first iteration, then just set the missing fields to NULL or even better, carry over the values from template;


PS: good work so far :)


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