On 11/28/2012 03:44 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

As for json_to_hstore, as I mentioned, the design is intended to enable the easy constructyion of such transformations, although for hstores anything except trivial json structure (i.e. an unnested object) it might have unappealing results. But in any case, the important thing to do first is to get the infrastructure in place. Time is very short and I don't want to extend this very much.

The other thing about doing json_to_hstore() is that, since hstore is not itself a core type, we couldn't do that in the core json module, and therefore we'd either need to expose an API to the JSON parser or replicate it in the hstore module. Exposing it is probably the better way to go. Then people could write extensions that process json just by supplying the hooked functions.



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