Hannu Krosing wrote:
> What about functions
> 1. split(text,text,int) returns text
> 2. split(text,text) returns text[]
> and why not
> 3. split(text,text,text) returns text
> which returns text from $1 delimited by $2 and $3

Given the time remaining before beta, I'll be happy just to get #1 done.

I can see the utility of #2 (or perhaps even a table function which 
breaks the string into individual rows). I'm not sure I understand #3.

I am concerned about the name though -- only in that there are usually 
objections raised to function names that are too likely to conflict with 
user created function names. But "split" is good from the standpoint 
that it is used in other languages, so people should find it familiar.

Anyone have comments on the name?


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