> Well, my concern here is that it's *not* going to be simple.  By the
> time we get done adding enough switches to control connection to N
> different hosts (possibly with different usernames, passwords, etc),
> then adding frammishes to control which scripts get sent to which hosts,
> and so on, I don't think it's really going to be simpler to use than
> launching N copies of pgbench.
> It might be worth doing if we had features that allowed the different
> test scripts to interact, so that they could do things like check
> replication propagation from one host to another.  But pgbench hasn't
> got that, and in multi-job mode really can't have that (at least not
> in the Unix separate-processes implementation).  Anyway that's a whole
> nother level of complexity that would have to be added on before you
> got to a useful feature.

I do not intended to implement such a feature. As I wrote in the
subject line, I intended to enhance pgbench for "multi-master"
configuration. IMO, any node on multi-master configuration should
accept *any* queries, not only read queries but write queries. So bare
PostgreSQL streaming replication configuration cannot be a
multi-master configuration and will not be a target of the new
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
Japanese: http://www.sraoss.co.jp

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