2012-07-03 23:31 keltezéssel, Alvaro Herrera írta:
Excerpts from Boszormenyi Zoltan's message of vie jun 29 14:30:28 -0400 2012:
Does anyone have a little time to look at the latest timeout framework
with the registration interface and the 2nd patch too? I am at work
until Friday next week, after that I will be on vacation for two weeks.
Just in case there is anything that needs tweaking to make it more
I cleaned up this a bit more and now I think it's ready to commit --
as soon as somebody tests that the standby bits still work.
You just broke initdb with this cleanup. :-)
$ cat src/test/regress/log/initdb.log
Running in noclean mode. Mistakes will not be cleaned up.
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "zozo".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locales
COLLATE: hu_HU.utf8
CTYPE: hu_HU.utf8
MONETARY: hu_HU.utf8
NUMERIC: hu_HU.utf8
TIME: hu_HU.utf8
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "hungarian".
creating directory
/home/zozo/lock-timeout/9.1/1/postgresql.14/src/test/regress/./tmp_check/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in
/home/zozo/lock-timeout/9.1/1/postgresql.14/src/test/regress/./tmp_check/data/base/1 ... ok
initializing pg_authid ... TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(base_timeouts_initialized)", File:
"timeout.c", Line: 217)
sh: line 1: 29872 Aborted (core dumped)
--single -F -O -c search_path=pg_catalog -c exit_on_error=true template1 > /dev/null
child process exited with exit code 134
initdb: data directory
"/home/zozo/lock-timeout/9.1/1/postgresql.14/src/test/regress/./tmp_check/data" not
removed at user's request
initdb starts postgres --single, that doesn't do BackendInitialize(),
only PostgresMain(). So, you need InitializeTimeouts() before
the RegisterTimeout() calls in PostgresMain and the elog(PANIC)
must not be in InitializeTimeouts() if called twice.
Zoltán Böszörményi
Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Gröhrmühlgasse 26
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Web: http://www.postgresql-support.de
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