Alex wrote:
Jay Levitt<>  writes:

Alex wrote:
I didn't follow this whole thread, but have we considered Redmine[1]?
As the resident "Ruby is shiny, let's do everything in Rails on my
MacBook" guy, I'd like to make a statement against interest: I've
tried Redmine a few times and it's been painful.  Much of the codebase
is deprecated, it's slow, it has no meaningful search (in 2012?!),
I've seen wiki edits disappear, and at the moment pulling up its own
FAQ page at times out.

Yay, that's totally FUD to me.

You're right, it was. My bad. Someday I will find the balance between precision and concision.

Could you please elaborate a bit on your points?

Deprecated codebase?  Let me guess...

It runs on an outdated version of Rails (2.3) but only because Rails is
changing so rapidly, I believe.  There is work in progress[1] to move to
the supported branch Rails-3.x.

I wasn't even thinking of that; I know many production systems still run on Rails 2.3, and in fact it probably even performs better for some workloads. 3.x is a mixed bag. I don't hold that against Redmine.

But it's still FUD, because I can't remember where I saw this information. So: withdrawn.

Slow?  Do you have any data to back this point up?

No measurable data; just a sigh of relief when switching from Redmine to Github - and GitHub ain't a speed demon. In general, I've seen multi-second page load times on crazy-simple things like wiki edits; this was on a hosted provider (, but they also hosted our git repo and we had no speed problems there.

No meaningful search, eh?  Works for me.

Redmine searches return partial-word matches, and there's no way to disable that. Searching for "test" finds "latest". To me, that's broken.

Also, the UI is very 5 years ago; e.g., "compare revisions" uses the same columns-of-radio-buttons approach as MediaWiki. If the goal is a tool to reduce friction and increase involvement, you want a smoother UX.


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