Dimitri Fontaine <dimi...@2ndquadrant.fr> writes:

> Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com> writes:
>> I've used Redmine a lot, as you know, and I only keep using it because
>> it's a requirement at work.  It is certainly not close to usable for
>> general pgsql stuff.  (Trac, which we used to use prior to Redmine, was
>> certainly much worse, though).
> Same story here, still using redmine a lot, all with custom reports etc.
>> I can't say that it's all that slow, or that there's a problem with the
>> code, or that the search doesn't work right (and I've never had a wiki
>> edit disappear, either, and I've used that a lot).  It's just the wrong
>> tool altogether.
> It's indeed slow here, and I agree that's not the problem. Not the tool
> we need, +1.

I still fail to see how Redmine doesn't fit into requirements summarized
at that wiki page[1], so that must be something other than formal
requirement of being free/open software and running postgres behind
(some sort of "feeling" maybe?)

Jay, Alvaro, Dimitri (and whoever else wants to speak up) could you
please describe your ideal tool for the task?

Given that every other existing tool likely have pissed off someone
already, I guess our best bet is writing one from scratch.

Or maybe there isn't really a need for a tracker?  The core team have
managed to live without one for so long after all...


[1] http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/TrackerDiscussion

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