Excerpts from Alex's message of dom abr 15 01:52:16 -0300 2012:
> Jay Levitt <jay.lev...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Alex wrote:
> >> I didn't follow this whole thread, but have we considered Redmine[1]?
> >
> > As the resident "Ruby is shiny, let's do everything in Rails on my
> > MacBook" guy, I'd like to make a statement against interest: I've
> > tried Redmine a few times and it's been painful.  Much of the codebase
> > is deprecated, it's slow, it has no meaningful search (in 2012?!),
> > I've seen wiki edits disappear, and at the moment pulling up its own
> > FAQ page at redmine.org times out.
> Yay, that's totally FUD to me.

I've used Redmine a lot, as you know, and I only keep using it because
it's a requirement at work.  It is certainly not close to usable for
general pgsql stuff.  (Trac, which we used to use prior to Redmine, was
certainly much worse, though).

I can't say that it's all that slow, or that there's a problem with the
code, or that the search doesn't work right (and I've never had a wiki
edit disappear, either, and I've used that a lot).  It's just the wrong
tool altogether.

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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