On 17 February 2012 21:07, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
> On 02/17/2012 03:58 PM, Thom Brown wrote:
>> On 17 February 2012 20:40, Dimitri Fontaine<dimi...@2ndquadrant.fr>
>>  wrote:
>>> Thom Brown<t...@linux.com>  writes:
>>>> And thinking about it, DO is a bit nonsense here, so maybe we'd just
>>>> have something like:
>>>> AS $$
>>>> BEGIN
>>>> END;
>>>> $$;
>>>> i.e. the same as a function.
>>> I like that.  How do you tell which language the trigger is written in?
>> Exactly the same as a function I'd imagine.  Just tack LANGUAGE
>> <language>; at the end.
>>> I'm not so sure about other function properties (SET, COST, ROWS,
>>> SECURITY DEFINER etc) because applying default and punting users to go
>>> use the full CREATE FUNCTION syntax would be a practical answer here.
>> *shrug* There's also the question about the stability of the trigger's
>> own in-line function too (i.e. IMMUTABLE, STABLE, VOLATILE).
> This is going to be pretty much a piece of syntactic sugar. Would it matter
> that much if the trigger functions made thus are all volatile? If someone
> wants the full function feature set they can always use CREATE FUNCTION
> first. I think I'm with Dimitri - let's keep it simple.

Yes, always best to start with essential functionality.


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