On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 02:26, Brar Piening <b...@gmx.de> wrote:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Review of VS 2010 support patches
> From: Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net>
> To: Brar Piening <b...@gmx.de>
> Date: 06.07.2011 22:58
>>> I'll remove my versions from the patch (v9 probably) if those files get
>>> commited.
>> I'm just doing some final testing and preparing to commit the new pgflex
>> and pgbison.
> The attached patch includes documentation changes and excludes my versions
> of pgbison.pl and pgflex.pl which have been replaced by Andrews' versions
> that are already commited.
> As before "perltidy_before.patch" has to be applied first and
> "VS2010v9.patch" second.

Something is strange here. Did you run perltidy with the exact
parameters documented in the README file? If so, perltidy seems to be
version- or platform- dependent. I ran it, and got a slightly
different patch. It's not big differences, but the simple fact that
perltidy doesn't always generate the same result is annoying.

Can you run it again, and make sure you get the exact same diff? So
that it wasn't accidentally run off the wrong version or something?

I've attached the differences between your perltidy and my perltidy run.

I'm using (perltidy -v): "This is perltidy, v20090616"

(My plan was to just commit a perltidy run to keep that part out of
the patch for easier handling, but I'd like to figure out this
difference first..)

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/
diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/Install.pm b/src/tools/msvc/Install.pm
index a7720a0..1fccfe8 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/Install.pm
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/Install.pm
@@ -56,11 +56,8 @@ sub Install
     my $majorver = DetermineMajorVersion();
     print "Installing version $majorver for $conf in $target\n";
-    EnsureDirectories(
-        $target, 'bin', 'lib', 'share',
-        'share/timezonesets','share/extension', 'share/contrib','doc',
-        'doc/extension', 'doc/contrib','symbols', 'share/tsearch_data'
-    );
+    EnsureDirectories($target, 'bin', 'lib', 'share','share/timezonesets','share/extension',
+        'share/contrib','doc','doc/extension', 'doc/contrib','symbols', 'share/tsearch_data');
     CopySolutionOutput($conf, $target);
     lcopy($target . '/lib/libpq.dll', $target . '/bin/libpq.dll');
@@ -470,8 +467,7 @@ sub CopyIncludeFiles
         $target . '/include/server/',
         'src/include/', 'pg_config.h', 'pg_config_os.h'
-    CopyFiles('Grammar header', $target . '/include/server/parser/','src/backend/parser/',
-        'gram.h');
+    CopyFiles('Grammar header', $target . '/include/server/parser/','src/backend/parser/','gram.h');
     CopySetOfFiles('',[ glob("src\\include\\*.h") ],$target . '/include/server/');
     my $D;
     opendir($D, 'src/include') || croak "Could not opendir on src/include!\n";
diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/builddoc.pl b/src/tools/msvc/builddoc.pl
index 6531e98..8d8d8a3 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/builddoc.pl
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/builddoc.pl
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ $cmd =
   ."| findstr /V \"DTDDECL catalog entries are not supported\" ";
 system($cmd); # die "openjade" if $?;
 print "Running collateindex...\n";
-$cmd ="perl \"$docroot/$dsssl/bin/collateindex.pl\" -f -g -i bookindex "
-  ."-o bookindex.sgml HTML.index";
+$cmd =
+  "perl \"$docroot/$dsssl/bin/collateindex.pl\" -f -g -i bookindex "."-o bookindex.sgml HTML.index";
 die "collateindex" if $?;
 mkdir "html";
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